Nikki Haley is the answer to a question no one outside of the Beltway asked — a 2004-style Jeb!-esque RINO of the kind that was once fully in control of the party.
2015 Trump, in perhaps his single most magnanimous act as a politician, absolutely demolished — laid total siege-style waste — to that archetype, and the electorate clearly has no desire to go back.
It’s only a matter of time before Nikki Haley has her very own “please clap” moment.
Alas, no matter how unpalatable Nikki Haley is to the GOP base, the GOP establishment, fully compromised and treacherous as it is, which does not countenance the will of the voters but services the donors above all, has an undying love for products of the D.C. consultant groomer class like Nikki Haley, whom can be counted on to do the bidding of said donors at all times in all domains.
Related: How Did Nikki Haley Increase Her Wealth by Tens of Millions in a Few Short Years?
PJ Media’s Matt Margolis reported yesterday that Trump is now intimating he has already selected who his VP pick will be but declined to specify. Rumor has it Nikki Haley is the one.
2024 is going to usher in a veritable blitzkrieg of pro-Haley propaganda as the Deep State tries to finagle her onto the ticket so as to have her a single heartbeat from the presidency.
The argument from whatever consultant is busy whispering in Trump’s ear is certainly that adding a diverse woman such as Haley to the ticket would be an electoral boon in the general election, given the identity obsession of the corporate state media and the left in general and how beloved she is by the establishment class.
To that I would offer this certain caveat, a warning Trump would be wise to hearken: the base that catapulted Trump in the 2016 primary and probably will again in the upcoming 2024 primary will not abide a Nikki Haley vice presidential role.
And Trump is not winning — not in the primary and sure as hell not in the general — without his base turning out in full force.
Haley needs to be exiled to whatever lobbying form she’s going to work for next to do her Swamp work there — far, far away from any executive decision-making process.
Where she doesn’t need to be is on the VP ticket. She doesn’t need to be in the cabinet. She doesn’t need to be the cleaning lady in the White House. The amount of damage she could do from a perch inside a Trump administration, particularly as VP, is nearly incalculable. On top of that, having her next in line is extremely dangerous as, in one fell swoop, however the Deep State pulls it off, if Trump is incapacitated or removed from office, she’s the president.
The personnel that Trump surrounds himself with for his campaign and, hopefully, if it comes down to him vs. Biden, his presidency, are going to make all of the difference.
Trump himself is largely untethered to any firm ideological convictions. He governs by instinct and is easily influenced by voices around him — for better or worse. This is evident in spades by his first administration. It’s therefore crucial that people like Nikki Haley, John Bolton, his nepotistic, scheming son-in-law Jared, etc. be ostracized from any future Trump staff/cabinet.
More Steve Bannon, less Mike Pompeo,