WATCH: DeSantis Camp Releases BRUTAL Ad Exposing Nikki Haley’s Ties to Clinton

AP Photo/Mary Altaffer, File

I actually didn’t know before watching this how many times, and how hard, Nikki Haley has sucked up to Clinton on the public stage. I would never have voted for her at all, but, if it’s possible, I hold her in lower regard now than I did before.


Let’s be honest, though; it wasn’t possible to hold her in lower regard before. That was just rhetorical.

Via NBC News:

The 30-second ad takes past Haley quotes about Clinton out of context. It is the latest instance of pro-DeSantis groups’ targeting Haley, the former United Nations ambassador, who has been rising in both early-state and national polls, threatening DeSantis' long-established second-place standing in the Republican presidential primary campaign.

“Crooked Hillary,” the ad intones, as an animated stone bust of Clinton is introduced on the screen. “But to Nikki Haley, she’s her role model. The reason she ran for office.

The ad features brutal back-to-back clips in Haley’s own voice of the candidate praising Hillary Clinton and honoring her as the reason she got into politics. It concludes with a nail-on-chalkboard sound bite of Clinton’s infamous hyena-like cackle.

            Related: Nikki Haley Claims Trump Sent Her a Bird Cage

Why any Republican, even twenty years ago, would have thought that sucking up to Hillary Clinton, of all people, was a solid political move is beyond me.


Haley’s been playing the Yass Slay Queen third-wave feminist card aggressively lately, including referring to her heels cryptically as “ammunition,” a declaration that literally no one has been able to decipher, perhaps including Haley herself. I think she just assumed mixing the right’s appreciation for guns with a healthy injection of feminism would somehow equal a rhetorical windfall.

While entertaining, this ad is actually really sad. It would be an effective ad if Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis weren’t fighting over second place.

What kind of a political moron makes an ad attacking his competition that’s polling at around 10% when the Big Guy has a 40+% lead on the entire field?

Of course, in Nikki Haley’s case, she’s not actually running for president, so it makes sense that she’s not gunning for Trump. Maybe she gets a VP slot; or maybe, much better, she cashes in her warmongering for a fat MIC check at a think tank or Raytheon.

DeSantis appears to have been earnest in his bid, which makes him spending money to attack Haley inexplicable.


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