No pundit willing to be honest — which excludes most corporate state media news actors and writers, but even they are wavering on the state line, as we will see — believes Joe Biden is not a massive electoral liability, and becoming more so by the day.
You’ve all seen by now, hopefully, the highly satisfying montage of various corporate state news actors reading that “the walls are closing in” on Trump off of their scripts. This has been the narrative since at least 2018, and it’s not borne fruit yet even in the face of multiple criminal proceedings against the former president.
Tim Ryan wants Brandon to drop out. David Axelrod — the undisputed lieutenant of the Obama political machine — penned a cryptic Tweet greenlighting primary challengers recently. Washington Post columnist David Ignatius wants him gone. The Democrat hack in a goofy cowboy hat in this CBS clip is even open to the old war horse hanging up his spurs.
In some real sense, though, we’re just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic here.
First of all, the Democrats, as has been noted ad nauseam, has no real viable replacement plan. The Karamel-uh entity is even less popular than Brandon, but they can’t ditch her because she’s a sacred Woman of Color™ and doing so would engender a barrage of accusations of all the -isms from the Social Justice™ faction of the party. Gavin Newsom thinks he’s going to be president — and he might be if this were 1992, when sleazy greaseballs were still viable candidates and he weren’t the governor of a failed state.
The party is trotting out all of its old hits, like literal threats to sacred Democracy™ posed by MAGA Deplorables or whatever, but it’s not clear that’s going to work at all anymore. Call it the Boy Who Cried Wolf Syndrome.
Related: You’ll Never Guess to Whom Hillary Clinton Compared Trump (Actually, You Will)
Furthermore, if the powers that be believe that they won’t be able to tip the scales for the candidate running against Trump using the standard rigging practices that they proudly and publicly employed in 2020, they’ll simply find a way to postpone or cancel the election until they can figure out what to do next.
If that means starting a nuclear war with Russia, that’s what they’ll do. There’s no limit to the amount of human suffering and economic pain they’re willing to inflict to hold onto power.
The semi-human lifeforms that constitute the Deep State are not normal people with consciences like your neighbor or co-worker. They are psychopaths with an unquenchable thirst for power for power’s sake. They are the monsters of the Inner Party that George Orwell described in 1984. We are living in a literal science fiction dystopia, and only a very small fraction of the population has seemingly come to terms with that fact.