Former U.S. Senator Reportedly Threatened to 'Kick the Sh**' Out of Biden for Groping His Wife

Susan Walsh

As has been exhaustively documented by me and my PJ media colleagues, Handsy Uncle Joseph has a hell of a bloodhound-esque habit of getting handsy with any warm body in his sight, particularly women and young children.


In any kind of decent world, this kind of grotesque display of abuse of power – in public, in full view of cameras, no less – would be disqualifying for anyone seeking public office, let alone the highest in the land and arguably the most (nominally) powerful office in the world. The China bribery stuff and the years of lies would only serve as confirmation of his unfitness.

But we don’t live in a decent world, as anyone who watches the news understands.

The Brandon entity’s public molestations have become more frequent in recent years – a tendency I have speculated might be due to an undisclosed case of dementia in the sitting president that manifests in diminished impulse control – but this is by no means a new trend.

It’s been going on for years, going back to the Brandon entity’s time in the Senate and then as vice president to Obama from 2009-2017.

Now, a former Republican senator from Massachusetts, Scott Brown, alleges that he threatened to “kick the sh**” out of Biden after the then-VP molested his wife on stage during his inauguration.

Via NH Journal (emphasis added):

In a new podcast interview, former U.S. Sen. Scott Brown said that then-Vice President Joe Biden got handsy with Gail Huff Brown when the newly-elected Republican was being sworn in, and he had to let Biden know to cut it out.

Yeah, I told him I would kick the sh… uh… I told him to stop,” Brown said. “So, yes.”

Brown made the comments on Tom Shattuck’s Burn Barrel podcast, a Massachusetts-based show hosted by the former Boston Herald Radio personality and his wife, Alice.


“We all know people who have dementia and have the beginning of Alzheimer’s, and he’s got it. I mean, it’s the walk. It’s the way he’s mumbling, his angry outbursts. And it’s a shame that we can’t do better in this great country,” Brown said. “He didn’t act the way I thought he should. And we called him on it, and that’s it.”

Frankly, after all of the children that the Brandon entity has groped in public, not to mention whatever he’s done in private when the cameras are off (which is horrific, if you’re going by the unearthed allegations of his own daughter in her diary), it’s amazing he’s made it to 80-something without getting his ass kicked.


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