Study: 'Transgender' Youth Prescribed MORE Psychotropic Drugs After 'Gender-Affirming Care,' Not Less

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Researchers who recently published their work in the Journal of Sexual Medicine examined the prevalence and efficacy of “gender-affirming” mental healthcare provided to trans-identified children.


Method-wise, using a retrospective cohort design, the researchers “used military healthcare data from 2010-2018 to identify mental healthcare diagnoses and visits, and psychotropic medication prescriptions among TGD [transgender and gender diverse] youth who received care for gender dysphoria before age 18, and their siblings.”

In layman’s terms (I wish medical journals would use more accessible language in their public-facing publications), they looked at the rate at which “transgender” kids sought mental health counseling and how often they were prescribed psychotropic drugs as part of their treatment compared to a non-trans control group comprised of their siblings.

Here were the results:

3,754 TGD adolescents and 6,603 cisgender siblings were included. TGD adolescents were more likely to have a mental health diagnosis (OR 5.45, 95% CI [4.77-6.24]), use more mental healthcare services (IRR 2.22; 95% CI [2.00-2.46]), and be prescribed more psychotropic medications (IRR = 2.57; 95% CI [2.36-2.80]) compared to siblings.

More diagnoses, more therapy, more drugs.

The goal from the perspective of the pharmaceutical and medical industry is clearly to hook children as young as possible on a lifetime supply of drugs and surgeries in order to extract as much profit from them as possible.


Last year, Matt Walsh published this disturbing clip of an administrator at Vanderbilt University Medical Center — an institution that has shamelessly flaunted the chemical castration (using puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones) and genital mutilation (via surgery) of children under its care since 2018 — bragging about how much money the hospital generates from these procedures and threatening any staff members who hesitate to commit these offenses against decency with retaliation.

Note her emphasis on the benefit to the institution of the ongoing care that the child patients require. This squares with the findings of the Journal of Sexual Medicine study:

Among 963 TGD youth (Mage: 18.2) using gender-affirming pharmaceuticals, mental healthcare did not significantly change (IRR = 1.09, 95% CI [0.95-1.25]) and psychotropic medications increased (IRR = 1.67, 95% CI [1.46-1.91]) following gender-affirming pharmaceutical initiation.


For anyone who’s spent any appreciable time on the internet, a quantitative study like this on mental health outcomes in “transgender” youth is unnecessary to understand that children indoctrinated into the LGBTQ+++™ cult are emotionally damaged and that attempting to treat their issues with “gender-affirming” healthcare and a cocktail of psychotropic drugs is much more about advancing the biomedical state than about healing them.

But at any rate, more objective confirmation of the above is always welcome.


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