Study: a Shocking Percentage of Childless Women Actually Wanted Kids

While vapid, childless celebrities like Chelsea Handler disseminate weird propaganda through corporate media to reassure themselves and their peers that their lack of reproduction is somehow an enlightened act of self-fulfillment, objective reality says otherwise.


It turns out, researchers have quantified the proportion of childless women whose status was intentional, and the number is extremely low.

Via The Guardian:

Who are the childless and how many of them wanted children? The closest we can come is a 2010 meta-analysis by the Dutch academic Prof Renske Keiser, which suggested that only 10% of childless women actively chose not to become mothers. That leaves 90% of women [who wanted children]. Only 9% of that 90% are childless for known medical reasons.

(Here is the study in its original German.)

That 10% figure may even be a stretch. Feminist dogma — which childless women disproportionately subscribe to — prohibits the expression of aspiration for motherhood, as it indicates submission to the Patriarchy™. So it’s possible that they are too ashamed or repressed to consciously admit to wanting children — perhaps even to themselves.

Related: WATCH: Chelsea Handler’s Sad Anti-Motherhood Propaganda Film


Is Chelsea Handler one of that rare 10% of childless women who genuinely did not ever want to have kids? It’s impossible to say for sure, and her ideological commitment to third-wave feminism would prevent her from admitting it were that the case. But perhaps we can let the sadness in her eyes, hidden under all that makeup and the pearly-white smile, answer the question.

To quote Tony Montana, “the eyes, Chico: they never lie.”


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