Technocracy 101: Harvard Health Overlords Condescend to Peasants, Pretend Low-Carb Diets Are a New Thing

(AP Photo/Bill Sikes, File)

Harvard Health recently published an article titled “Low-carb diet helps cut blood sugar levels in people with prediabetes.” The whole framing lends the impression to the reader that this is a revelatory or novel finding as if white lab coats diligently working on the question day and night just stumbled on the breakthrough discovery and are ready to share their gained wisdom with the world.


Via Harvard Health:

For most people, there’s no single healthy way to eat, though there are healthy foods and eating patterns. Yet for people with prediabetes, a low-carb diet could quickly bring elevated A1C levels back to a healthier range, a trial published in JAMA Network Open suggests… this research revealed several benefits of low-carb eating to blood sugar control… Clearly this study shows that a low-carb — and really, a borderline very-low-carb — diet is effective in reducing A1C levels, which are a measure of blood sugar during the previous three months.

Way to put the puzzle pieces together, Harvard. Super Da Vinci Code-esque investigative skills.

A new study “suggests.” The research “reveals.” All of this is groundbreaking stuff, right? Why even rely on high-powered cutting-edge research to prove the obvious? A with-it toddler could manage to figure out that eating foods rich in sugar (which are carbs) would probably contribute to more sugar in the blood (blood sugar). Hence, a low-carb diet would translate to lower blood sugar.

But, to these people, nothing is true — in fact, it’s a conspiracy theory — until the “experts” like the ones at the Journal of the American Medical Association have weighed in. Hence the constant rhetorical refrain in the corporate media: “the experts say…


This kind of stuff is intended to cement subliminally in the mind of the reader that no bit of knowledge — no matter how intuitive — is valid until an expert in a position of authority validates it. You can’t trust your own judgment; all of your analytical skills must be outsourced to the corporate state. They’ll do your thinking for you, so you can get back to Netflix and Twitter.

As Forbes infamously admonished the public during the COVID-19 pandemic, “you must not do your own research“:

It’s absolutely foolish to think that you, a non-expert who lacks the very scientific expertise necessary to evaluate the claims of experts, are going to do a better job than the actual, bona fide experts of separating truth from fiction or fraud.


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