Whatever Will Become of All the Displaced Swamp Creatures?

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Trump 47 and his new administration are sweeping across the corrupt, thoroughly politicized Democrat establishment like the Army of the Dead across the forces of Mordor at the final battle of Pelennor Fields. As we watch each bloated Democrat institution ripped open like a fetid piñata and its unsavory contents spilled out into the sunlight for all to see, I imagine this is how East Germans felt when the wall came down. I remind our kids every day to pay attention because I've been on this Earth for a while now, and I've never seen the like. It's the Reagan Revolution times a thousand. 


Obviously, this desperately needs to be done. The grift and Marxism had infected these institutions to a terminal degree so that they are no longer viable. Some, like USAID, seem to have been created for the very purpose of perpetuating wokeness while passing public money to the elite. Anyone who is a regular reader here at PJ Media is fluent in the growing scandal of what our government has been up to with our money — intel we now have thanks to the transparent and righteous work of the Trump administration.

Consider the institutions lost (or in the process of becoming lost) to the Left: the media, the DEI industry, mass illegal immigration support and economy, untenable "green energy," and most of all, the myriad government Swamp agencies. This translates to countless human beings, some of whom probably even believed themselves to be honorable people doing good things, who are losing their livelihoods. And while I am nothing but glad about that — how dare leftists take my hard-earned tax money and p**s it away on the disgusting woke rubbish that my colleagues have been chronicling? — it remains true that American society is about to be deluged with hundreds of thousands of unemployed, mostly white-collar, overeducated, gobsmacked people.

Unemployment claims are about to go through the roof. But on the bright side, NOVA real estate is about to drop back down from the stratosphere.


Related: Buh-Bye! Illegal Immigrants Start Self-Deporting in the Face of Tough New Trump Policies

Recall that academia has been pumping out legions of hivemind apparatchiks for generations now. When our family recently toured colleges with our high schoolers, the scope of this problem came into sharp focus for me. 

First of all, the more prestigious the school, the more freakish the students it hires to give the tours. This technique winnows out the sane and — God forbid — religious or conservative candidates right off the bat. Once the "right kind of people" are admitted, the universities basically function as massive woke staffer factories. 

We toured American University in Washington, D.C., on a day when students were giving their capstone presentations. We wandered through an enormous, echoing hall layered with row upon row of earnest young adults (mostly white women) in front of easel-borne foam-core triptychs outlining the policies they wished to enact and how they would do this (generally via a federal agency or, more likely, a federally funded NGO). 

With a shudder, I realized we were in the belly of a Swamp School. It immediately brought to mind the scene in the masterful 1978 retelling of "Invasion of the Bodysnatchers" in which the protagonists come upon the nursery where the pod people are cultivating more pod people.


Again: this has been going on for generations. We need to be prepared for what is coming: a great many people are currently being dispossessed, dethroned, and disemployed. Worse, they are ill-suited for almost any other type of work. How many baristas can America sustain? The rest of us can only drink so much overpriced coffee.

I suppose they can always learn to code.


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