A Prayer for the Unprecedented Trial

AP Photo/Martha Irvine

In this unprecedented and extremely dangerous and dispiriting time in American history, it might not hurt for those of us who are the praying kind to petition the Man Upstairs for mercy and justness. 


Let us pray. 

Lord, You who are the ultimate arbiter of just and unjust, right and wrong, I call on You to guide all who are part of the trial currently underway in New York City and to comfort and strengthen all who are affected in any way by its outcome.

Lord, I beg you, send Your Holy Spirit down to all those who labor in the courtroom, to remind them to seek Truth above all. Help everyone involved to recall the promise of America, this nation You inspired men to create, where liberty and justice prevail.

Grant strength and wisdom to the souls tasked with deciding this monumental case, Lord. Give them courage to see clearly and to do that which Truth dictates. Protect them from pressures and threats — which issue from all sides, for we are all imperfect beings — as they consider their incredibly heavy task. Protect them and their families, friends, and employers from those who would harm them. Protect these deciders’ minds, hearts, and spirits from the attacks aimed at them. Hold them in the palm of Your hand and whisper wisdom and righteousness to them as they tread their impossible path.


Lord, accompany the attorneys, assistants, secretaries, officers, staff, and judge in this momentously difficult case. Walk by their side, Your hand on their shoulder, and guide them on the righteous, truthful path. Make them hunger and thirst for nothing so much as for truth and justice. Keep them mindful of their historic duty, and if it be Your will, hew them to fairness and true righteousness.

Lord, please be with us, Your people, as we struggle to accept what happens here and to accept and love our neighbor. Remind us that each and every one of us is made in Your image and likeness. Help us to love and care for the souls of all who are mired in this incredibly difficult and painful exercise. Battle for us our human weaknesses, especially wrath, hatred, and fear.

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Lord, help all who are following this exceptional proceeding to understand and accept the imperfect nature of man. Help us understand and accept that, from time to time, men — never adequately appreciative of the embarrassment of riches and blessings with which You shower us — are compelled to undertake risky and painful conflict. Comfort us all as we pass through the torment of the hours and days of this trial.


Please, Lord, continue to bless the United States of America. For even as men struggled and paid dearly to create this nation in an effort to live as closely to Your law as humanly possible, they prayed to You for guidance. The plea for a righteous and just nation was petitioned before You and an appeal made for Your divine leadership. Throughout the inevitable strife caused by any possible outcome of this trial, we pray, Lord, that You will stay our passions, reignite our love for our brother, and continue to bless and keep our United States of America.

Above all, Lord, let Your will be done.


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