BREAKING: Supreme Court Strikes Down Part of New York's Absurd Eviction Moratorium

AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

The Supreme Court issued an important emergency order Thursday, blocking a New York law that aimed to allow rent-free living to continue after 17 months.

The move came at the request of property owners and is a hopeful signal that coronavirus-related eviction bans are in danger at the high court.


“If a tenant self-certifies financial hardship, [the law] generally precludes a landlord from contesting that certification and denies the landlord a hearing,” the order said in part. “This scheme violates the Court’s longstanding teaching that ordinarily ‘no man can be a judge in his own case’ consistent with the Due Process Clause.”

Liberal Justices Stephen Breyer, Elena Kagan, and Sonia Sotomayor dissented, with Breyer claiming, “While applicants correctly point out that there are landlords who suffer hardship, we must balance against the landlords’ hardship the hardship to New York tenants who have relied on CEEFPA’s protections and will now be forced to face eviction proceedings earlier than expected.”

The order has significance for the ban President Joe Biden illegally extended last week after bowing to bullying tactics from socialist congresswomen, who pushed him into a potentially impeachable move.

Left-wingers continue to obfuscate and use emotion to obscure facts, but landlords are not millionaires and billionaires; they are mainly middle-class folks hurt by this perpetual moratorium. The rent freeze has cost every one of them tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars, and also contributed to the 15-20% median rental price increase the past year, which is double the current rate of inflation.


And it’s wholly unnecessary.

There is no longer an economic crisis, like a year ago. There are more than 9 million open jobs employers are desperate to fill; yet after a year-and-a-half of free rent, $600/week unemployment handouts of $3,000 per individual over the past year, and other mandated welfare, Democrats appear to prefer hurting innocent mom-and-pop-types. 

Of course, the demonization of landowners is a crucial part of every left-wing revolution. “Cancel rent” signs often are seen alongside “Defund the Police” at lunatic rallies.



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