Goons of Iran

The “Elevating Society’s Security” Plan is what the Islamic Republic call its savage attacks on Iran’s youths, especially females, in Tehran.


The IRIB news services reported that in two separate gatherings in Karaj (Near Tehran) and Saari (Mazandaran Province), police commanders announced that the plan is working well in Tehran and it would be implemented on a national scale from June 20th onwards

Esmaeil Ahmadi, commander in chief of the “Disciplinary Forces” –what the Islamic Republic call its police force– said on Thursday that these social abnormalities (youth’s way of dressing, and their behavior) are a consequence of “the imperialists meddling in our internal affairs.”

Ahmadi stated that the Islamic Republic of today “is stronger than ever, both nationally and internationally.” That’s why the “imperialist countries are trying to weaken Iran’s security by cultural invasion,” he said. Nevertheless, he continued, the armed forces are alert and ready to encounter any threat “from our enemies.”

In a different gathering of mullahs for Friday’s prayer, Tehran’s police chief Ahmad Reza Radan said that since the execution of the “Elevating Society’s Security” plan more than 1,000 shops and businesses have been shut down and more than 1,200 automobiles have been confiscated. More than 75,000 warnings have also been given to both men and women for improper dress code. More than 3,000 arrests have been made.


Of the three thousand arrestees, he said 2,800 were freed after being fined, ordered to change their clothes and sign a declaration promising to never do it again. But 200 repeat offenders have been sent to courts for further penalties, and it has been reported that besides the fines, jail time, and soft torture, repeat offenders will be deported to rural areas where they’ll have to spend a certain period in exile.

The ‘interesting’ part of Radan’s speech was when he claimed that the parents of the arrested have thanked the police for “the wonderful job it is doing for their kids, teaching them the proper Islamic behavior and values.”

Since the beginning of Islamic Republic in Iran more than 28 years ago, one of the distraction techniques used by the regime leaders has always been the “Cultural Invasion” excuse. This is nothing new to the people.

In this reporter’s opinion, the big difference this time is that the population has since exploded. The young generation of Iran, the “Children of Allah”, is 50 million strong and growing. It’s the biggest threat to the regime. But there are other significant differences that take these hideous and vicious acts to new level of danger for the Islamic Republic.

The main one is “legitimacy:” in the eyes of many Iranians, the Islamic regime doesn’t have any credibility any more. It has lost its legitimacy and people are fed up. Hearing the leaders repeat the same nonsense over and over has clogged their ears and rendered it innefective.


Meanwhile, sources told PJM that the notorious Saeed Emami‘s group, a special unit inside the intelligence ministry is being “revived” by the government of Ahmadinejad to control the country.

Emami, Iran’s intelligence ministry’s ‘number two’, fell in disgrace after orchestrating the infamous “Chain Murders” of writers, journalists, activists and intellectuals during the late 90s. He was punished and allegedly took his own life in prison by ingesting depilatory cream, according to authorities. Now, Ahmadinejad wants to use that unit to leverage his position in the internal power struggle inside the regime.

As we explained in a previous report, Ahmadinejad’s government is creating false crisis to take the people’s mind off the truth and gain control. The strategy that could very well backfire in their face.


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