Black Panther Threats Get Hispanic Man Kicked Out of College

The Hispanic man is George Zimmerman. Until today he attended Seminole State College. The college has kicked Zimmerman out, issuing this statement as to why:

“Due to the highly charged and high-profile controversy involving this student, Seminole State has taken the unusual but necessary step this week to withdraw Mr. Zimmerman from enrollment. This decision is based solely on our responsibility to provide for the safety of our students on campus as well as for Mr. Zimmerman.”


The college gives two reasons: Notoriety, and safety — of the other students as well as Zimmerman. Why would the other students be in any jeopardy? Because the Black Panthers issued a bounty for Zimmerman over the weekend, and are attempting to form a massive lynch mob to hunt him down and grab him “dead or alive.” Because Louis Farrakhan and Spike Lee have joined in the mob mentality, tweeting threats and personal information regarding Zimmerman. And because the president and attorney general have done nothing to calm the situation down.

The Black Panthers’ terroristic threats and actions, followed with silence from the Obama regime, have made the campus unsafe.


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