Democrats Suck and Make Everything Ugly

Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP

Having Democrats in our society is less fun than a battalion of Jehovah's Witnesses at a Halloween party. 

Author's Note: Liberals are actually quite worse at a Halloween party as they are likely to sh*t their socks if they see someone dressed as an Indian,


You know how your green, man-bunned neph-neice likes to mope around the family Christmas gathering, trying to ruin everything? We have that on a national scale.

The lefty interwebs went goo-goo last week over bombshell actress Sidney Sweeney's ample boobage spilling out on Saturday Night Live (SNL).

The Pravda apparatchiks at Yahoo spoke of how she is "conventionally attractive" which is a term used by huckery ogresses who prefer donuts to pilates, and carb-guzzling incels who know they will never touch a woman of such pulchritude. Sweeny is a total stun gun.

Some of the few remaining anti-socialites who watch SNL whined that the sketch writers needed to write better material than focus on the fact that Sweeney is Halley's Comet-frequency hot, including this harridan, replete with "she/her" pronouns to let us know she is a devoted Marxist buzzkill. The comments on her tweet are from like-minded losers, jealously aghast of beauty and wrapping their hatred inside the altruistic cloke of " fighting misogyny."

Imagine being such a human stain that you hate boobs.

FACT-O-RAMA! Tyranny comes disguised as virtue. No one cares about supposedly "misogynistic" jokes centered on Sweeny's heavy dose of hubba hubba, it's a ruse used by disgruntled washout Maoists to tear down all things beautiful, including people.

But this is par for the commie course. Malconent pinkos have historically tried to erase the beautiful and replace it with mediocrity. From the 45 Goals of Communism, I present #23:


Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art."

That goes for people as well. And buildings.

I was wandering around the former German city of Breslau/current Polish city of Wroclaw when I asked my local friend why some buildings were beautiful and others were hideous. What were these drab, forboding monstrosities of architecture? Soviet-era apartment buildings, usually covered in graffiti, a tactic embraced by America's street thugs communists, Antifa and BLM.

As some Marxist hags attack the pretty girls, others are busy pushing the salad-dodging singer Lizzo as "the beauty standard." Liberal rags obediently licked her extra wide boots, with none daring — or caring — enough to suggest that, at 35 years old, Lizzo may want to ask why there aren't a lot of 50-year-old 350-pounders walking the globe, and perhaps take a brisk walk to save her life. Worse, how many young girls covet the adulation Lizzo receives and have started gavaging M&Ms to mimick her?

I'm sure some lib-dolt will read this and launch a mosquito-punch tirade against me on Twitter and label me "chunkphobic."

 FAT-O-RAMA! Black folks are twice as likely as white people to contract diabetes.


Why not hit two of those commie goals in one if you have a chance? Lizzo once played James Madison's crystal flute on stage while twerking her hind acres. If you can stick it to the Founding Fathers while you quake, rattle, and roll, that's a commie perfecta.

PINKO-RAMA  Commie goal #30: Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."

Demo-Marxists are killjoys. They are unhappy, success-free grinches. And we are seeing it more and more now in stand-up comedy.

As a 35-year veteran of stand-up, I can assure you leftists are attempting to gut this once-great performance institution. 

Comedians, myself included, have been tossed off gigs after a quick perusal of our Facebook and Twitter posts. 

     UNRELATED:  Flee Speech: Woke Comedy Club Bans Comedians for Not Bending Their Knees

There is nothing like the energy of 200 people laughing in unison, so naturally the Marxists had to creep in like black mold. They decided jokes from comedians who weren't spoilsport, Stalinist hipsters were decidedly "ist" or "phobic," (racist, transphobic, homophobic, you get my point).

No one has done more to instigate the long, painful death of comedy than late-night stooge Stephen Colbert. He started it with these anti-Trump "comedy" nuggets that, if tossed at Obama, would have ended his pandering career.


On the bright side, Colbert handed off the entire comedy industry — and beclowned himself spectacularly — with this mortifyingly shameless ass-kissery below.

I know I posted a link to his previous attempt at comedy but this next one is SO BAD I want you to watch it:

If you need more proof Colbert is a tragic, humor-free buffoon, you can watch the Maoist lickspittle provide a "holster" for Fauci and the entire COVID politburo HERE.

The good news is that in their attempt to kill comedy, the communists — and specifically Colbert — have handed it back to conservatives who, unlike the Bolshie doom-peddlers, like to laugh and have fun.

Good news: you can fight back. Nothing hurts a comm-u-clown more than watching real Americans enjoy beauty, laugh, and have fun.  

And don't forget to mock them. They hate that.


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