Flee Speech: Woke Comedy Club Bans Comedians for Not Bending Their Knees

Used with permission of Jim Florentine

Four comedians walk into a comedy club and get booted for not being pink-haired Marxists. That sounds like a joke, but it isn't.

Four well-known comics recently had their gigs canceled in Seattle because woke, or something. The club never really gave a reason.


"I guess I need to clean up my act," Florentine joked on Twitter. "My comedy shows in Seattle are canceled along with @luisjgomez @ComicDaveSmith and @kurtmetzger."

Jim Florentine, best known as a co-host of "That Metal Show" with Don Jamieson and Crank Yankers, an adult puppet show that used prank calls to skewer unsuspecting robocall dolts, was informed that his act doesn't reflect "community values" in Seattle, a town that allowed anarchists to take over a neighborhood called Capitol Hill, where the squishy, free speech-hating commie club is located.

After careful consideration and discussions with our team, investors, local comedians, and neighborhood advocacy groups, we've encountered a challenging situation that requires us to revisit the planned shows. Capitol Hill is known for its progressive values, and we've received significant feedback expressing concerns about the alignment of these upcoming shows with the neighborhood's ethos. This feedback includes concerns from local advocacy groups that are deeply embedded in our community and work towards upholding its values.

"Our team, investors, local comedians, and neighborhood advocacy groups," likely refers to the club's wait staff, local open-miker comics no one has heard of, and the soy-sucking sally bois of Antifa who burned some of the nation's finest fascist towns during the violent "summer of love."

Kurt Metzger, Louis J. Gomez, and Dave Smith also had their dates pulled from Capitol Hill Comedy Club/Bar because they somehow don't vibe with the "neighborhood ethos."


ETHOS-O-RAMA! Young black men were shot in CHAZ or CHOP after it was taken over by communists. Women were raped. Fires were set. The "leader" of the hippy dippy take-over was a rapper would would later face charges for trafficking four women, but jokes are somehow dangerous in this neighborhood.

As a 35-year veteran of performing stand-up comedy, I can assure you most of the comedians and many of the nation's club owners lean left, especially on the coasts. Austin, Texas, and Ann Arbor, Mich., are also bastions of woke, progressive "comedians" who get applause breaks for saying clever thoughts such as, "So I'm trans..."

No, I'm serious. Merely mentioning that you are anything other than a nasty straight, white man will result in thunderous applause in leftist clubs that care more about "identity" than comedy.

One of the nation's best-known right-thinking comedians, former Saturday Night Live alum Rob Schneider, took to Twitter to clown-slap some sense into the "comedy" venue.


What exactly did these four comedians do wrong? The club didn't mention any jokes these guys may have made in the past to ruffle the non-binary tailfeathers of the local comedians, club staff, or "advocacy groups."

It looks to me like this is nothing more than some good old American censorship and a chance to silence comedians who dare to be themselves.

Dave Smith is openly libertarian. He's appeared with such enemies of ze state as The Joe Rogan Show and Tim Pool. He is also a member of the Legion of Skanks.

Metzger took to Twitter and lobbed a great George Floyd reference at the club.

I’m sorry, but this is too funny not to immediately put on blast! Also, am I mistaken that this club is in Seattle’s historic “CHAZ” district? (Kurt looks up toward heaven.) THANK U GEORGE FLOYD! For the fun Im about to have with this on Twitter after I take a quick s**t! BRB!

I texted Florentine about the fracas.

"Just when I thought it was safe to go tell jokes in Seattle," Florentine laughingly responded. "It's actually good it happened this way. At least I didn't have to fly 3,000 miles there and actually do a show THEN get fired! Actually, it worked out well because another club close by called the Tacoma Comedy Club in Tacoma, WA 20 miles away from the club that canceled me has honored my date and I'll be there Oct. 4-5."

Sometimes canceling a comedian isn't enough. Dave Chapelle was once attacked on stage by a trans wacko.

 Related: Cancel THIS! Dave Chappelle Producing Four Comedy Specials for Netflix

Canceling comedians who refuse to prostrate themselves and taste the boot of Xi Jinping isn't new, especially comedians who openly support Trump, like my fiancée Jessica Collazo and yours truly.


I've had venues cancel us after perusing our social media apps and "discovering" us wearing MAGA hats, which I wear constantly so no one can confuse me for a Bolshie milksop.

"We don't hire MAGA bigots," a utopian mollycoddle club manager once texted me. I checked the club's website a few weeks later and saw that I had been replaced by a straight white man with "he/him" in his lickspittle bio.

REVENGE-O-RAMA! I came out hard for Trump in 2016, and my gigs began to dwindle. Rather than sob, remain silent, or cave in to the commies, I became a writer here at PJ Media and started my own radio show. I've made more money telling the truth than the commies ever took from my wallet. As I like to say on stage in regard to the weepy libs, "f*** 'em and feed 'em beans!"

My friend and well-known MAGA comedian Terry McNeely triggered the local Pittsburgh Antifa grrrls with his Danny the Democrat character, where he routinely mocked sobbing liberals. The simpering anarchists called the venue and threatened to break the windows if McNeely took the stage. The club buckled and canceled McNeely.

"Ironically enough that was one of the only shows I had a contract for, so the a**hole still had to pay me," McNeely told me. "I walked and grabbed my envelope and told him it's a shame he is a p***y; we could've had a fun show. Thank you and good night."

You can find McNeely's Instagram page HERE.

I purposely added links to all the conservative comedians taking a bullet in the name of free speech. Following them sends a message to the Stalinists taking over stand-up comedy. Please check them out. They're hilarious, I promise.


FACT-O-RAMA! Comedian Lenny Bruce was routinely arrested simply for cursing. Today, right-wing comedians comedians are getting canceled for not kissing the commie ring.

No article about attacking comedians who won't play ball with the Marxists would be complete without a word from my wonderful friend and mentor, the man who led me by example to give up the life of a liberal and join the righteous. He was arguably the first conservative comedian on the front lines and has been facing off against the liberal boo-hooers now for decades: PJ Media's own Stephen Kruiser.

"I'm proud to be the Rosa Parks of canceled right-wing nutjob comics," Kruiser told me over the phone. 

We laughed in a way miserable liberals aren't able to.


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