
The Left Doesn’t Want Your Kids to Grow Out of LGBTQ Confusion

Photo by Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP, File

A recent study confirmed that the majority of kids naturally grow out of gender dysphoria, but the fact is that the left doesn’t want kids to return to loving their bodies and biological sex.

Why do leftists — especially in America — encourage kids to take damaging transgender “treatments” and surgeries at ever younger ages? Why the LGBTQ indoctrination in schools from toddlerhood on? Why the hatred for detransitioners and anyone revealing how harmful LGBTQ ideology and especially transgender ideology are? The left finds this ideology far too useful to want to admit the truth.

A new study out of the Netherlands confirmed that most children with gender dysphoria naturally grow out of their confusion by their mid-20s. But allowing children to discover they cannot change their sexes and that they should not slice and dice their bodies to do so is not in the interests of the radical left, especially in America, which is doubling down on transgender “treatments” as Europe restricts them. What is terrifying is that many young people will grow up, grow out of gender dysphoria, and discover too late that they were persuaded into doing permanent damage to their bodies.

Various groups do benefit from keeping young Americans hooked on deceptive transgender rhetoric. For instance, young single people without spouses or children are more likely to need an external group to give their lives meaning. If these same single youth have an identity that revolves around woke ideology, as “transgenders” do, they are even more dependent on and controllable by leftists. That means they are also more likely to vote Democrat.

Then there’s Big Pharma. If thousands or even millions of young people fancy themselves transgender, that leaves them permanently dependent on medications that help them (sort of) maintain the fiction that they can transition to being the opposite sex. Talk about a cash cow! 

The same goes for the medical industry in general. Puberty blockers, sex “change” operations, hormone therapy, counseling — the potential for lifelong medical treatments is endless. Sure, these same “treatmentsare very harmful, even mutilating, but they sure bring in the money. The transgender surgery industry alone was projected to reach up to $5 billion in value by 2030. For the medical and pharmaceutical industries, transgender ideology provides not only the rainbow but also the pot of gold.

RelatedA to Z Insanity: Kids’ Alphabet Book Has a Gender for Every Letter

Detransitioners — transgenders who return to living as their biological sex — talk about how some of them transitioned out of fear and how they were told they would commit suicide if they did not transition. Some now are suicidal due to the tragic and irreversible bodily damage of the “treatments” and surgeries they received. The majority of LGBTQ youth experience depression or hopelessness, and the number of LGBTQ Americans has been increasing since 2020. Jazz Jennings, the “transgender” biological male who is the featured image for this article, admitted tearfully last year that he is not happy with his new identity. Various severe physical and mental traumas and side effects have tortured Jazz since he received “gender confirmation” surgery.

Related: European Reviews Find That ‘Gender Transition’ Doesn’t Solve Mental Problems

Now young Americans are lied to from babyhood on, brainwashed into glorifying and desiring LGBTQ identities, and persuaded by teachers, entertainers, therapists, parents, government officials, and doctors that they should and must be gender dysphoric. This is the new child sacrifice. Modern American leftists are as evil as the pagans who castrated and killed their children in worship of their gods; only now the “gods” are woke ideology and the almighty buck.


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