As I type this, Steve Jobs is unveiling all sorts of new game-changing techno-doohickeys at Apple’s Worldwide Developers’ Conference in San Francisco. Something about clouds, lions — it’s all a blur.
Speaking of blurriness — to further demonstrate my uncanny ability to be everywhere at all times, just the other day I was sitting in a cafe called [REDACTED] in the nearby town of [REDACTED] when my dining partner gasped and said, “Steve Jobs just sat down behind you at the outdoor table! Seriously!”
As always, I had my camera with me, so I turned around and snapped this picture. I didn’t think I’ve ever have a “use” for the image, blogging-wise, until I saw this morning’s news about Jobs’ new Apple roll-outs, so I’m taking this excuse to post my blurry stalker snapshot of the emaciated tech maven:
And consider this an open thread to discuss “the cloud” and all things tech-related emanating from the WWDC today.
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