Johnny Depp's Daughter to Make Ghostly Film Debut

Lily Rose Depp, daughter of Hollywood royalty Johnny Depp, will make her feature film debut alongside Natalie Portman in a forthcoming paranormal period film by French director Rebecca Zlotowski. From Variety:


Although plot details are kept under wraps, Zlotowski told Variety that the film [title “Planetarium”] follows the journey of sisters who are believed to possess the supernatural ability to connect with ghosts. They cross paths with a visionary French producer while performing in Paris.

The political context of “Planetarium” will have a modern resonance with the current crisis and rise of extremism in Europe. The character of the producer is freely inspired by Jewish producer Bernard Natan, one of the biggest French film industry figures of the ’20s and ’30s, who eventually died in Auschwitz.

Depp thus debuts in grand fashion, surrounded by talent with provocative material. But as other father-child relationships have demonstrated, Hollywood nepotism can only get an actor so far. We’re looking at you Jaden Smith. Eventually, the favored child needs to stand on their own merits. We’ll see what Lily Rose has to offer around this time next year.

lily rose depp


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