Team Kamala Invoked the Mercy Rule and I Can't Stop Laughing

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I did not watch Bret Baier's interview with Kamala Harris on Fox News on Wednesday evening. I didn't need to and neither did you. Unless you have a fascination for train wrecks, car crashes, skateboarders who whack their nads on staircase banisters, and other unnatural disasters, I hope you didn't watch it.


One reason is that everyone, including Team Kamala, knew there would be nothing of substance said, certainly not to Baier. The other is that Harris "has a voice that nails on a chalkboard find irritating," as my friend Stephen Kruiser put it earlier today. Honestly, if she becomes president (I almost typed "wins the election" but thought better of it), I might spend the next four years in an internet-proof underground bunker. Under the ground in Siberia.

But I digress.

The main reason not to watch is that it's unsportsmanlike to gawk at someone getting slaughtered so badly in any contest where they invoke the Mercy Rule. 

For those unfamiliar, the Mercy Rule is most often used in youth sports. When one softball team of nine-year-olds is already down 13 runs to nothin', and it's only the fourth inning, just invoke the Mercy Rule and let the losing team leave the field without any further humiliation.

That's kind of what happened between Harris and Baier last night. And, believe it or not, Team Harris basically conceded before the interview could even begin. "We were supposed to start at 5 p.m. — this was the time they gave us, originally," Baier said afterward. "We’re going to do 25 or 30 minutes."

Then Harris's people, according to Baier, "Came in and said, ‘Well, maybe 20 [minutes].’ So, it was already getting whittled down."

"And then the vice president showed up at about 5:15." The result was that Baier's production team had to "push the envelope" to get the interview video ready to go for the top of his nightly 6:00 p.m. broadcast. Still, unlike the dishonest hatchet job "60 Minutes" did last week to make Harris sound more prepared, knowledgeable, and able to speak coherently than she actually is, Fox aired the interview uncut.


Team Harris knew this, of course, which is why they virtually invoked the Mercy Rule.

Baier said he had hoped to ask more questions, but there were "four [Harris] people waving their hands [from offstage] like it’s got to stop,” he said. “I had to dismount there at the end."

The Democrat-Media Complex can — and will, and already is — spin this disaster harder than a dreidel in a hurricane.  

I mean, that didn't take long, did it?

But they can't escape the fact that Harris's staffers waved the white flag. They invoked the Mercy Rule. They surrendered to Brett Baier's relentless assault of [checks notes] firm follow-up questions. 

Recommended: Harris Is Slipping — But Why?

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