Biden's Parting Gift to the World: Nuclear Holocaust

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Forgive the headline. Hopefully, things in the Middle East won't come down to a nuclear holocaust — but hope is not a plan, and Presidentish Joe Biden has apparently leaned hard enough on Israel for them to take Iran's nuclear program off their target list.


Since Iran launched its second ballistic missile, cruise missile, and drone barrage at Israel on Oct. 1, Israel has been planning some sort of retribution, and the White House has been leaning hard on the little country not to go after Iran's nuclear program. Biden waited all of one day after the attack to tell the world that "The answer is no" to the question of whether he'd support taking out Iranian nuclear weapons sites. 

While neither Netanyahu's office nor the White House responded to various requests for comment, the Washington Post reported Monday that "Netanyahu has told the Biden administration he is willing to strike military rather than oil or nuclear facilities in Iran... suggesting a more limited counterstrike aimed at preventing a full-scale war." 

We can only hope that the White House is leaking false information to put more pressure on Netanyahu to back down because, frankly, this is madness. As always, the Biden administration's concerns are personal, not business:

The retaliatory action would be calibrated to avoid the perception of “political interference in the U.S. elections,” the official familiar with the matter said, signaling Netanyahu’s understanding that the scope of the Israeli strike has the potential to reshape the presidential race.


We wouldn't want a little thing like Islamic terrorists getting nuclear weapons to stand in the way of Kamala Harris's election chances, would we?

On the flip side — the sane side — Donald Trump suggested earlier this month that Netanyahu should "Hit [Iran's] nuclear [program] first, and worry about the rest later."

Let me share with you something from a longer foreign policy piece I wrote yesterday for our VIP supporters. It's an exchange between Trump and Hugh Hewitt on Hugh's radio show last week:

HH: If Israel hits [Iran’s] nuclear sites, will you applaud?

DT: Yeah. I dealt with Kim Jong-un. And he has nuclear weapons. And you tend to speak a little bit differently when they have nuclear weapons.

HH: Yes.

DT: Does that make sense to you?

HH: Yes, it does. Well, Nixon met with Mao, who was the greatest murderer of the 20th Century, because they had nukes. He met with Brezhnev. 

DT: Right.

HH: I noticed you didn’t meet with Khamenei, and he did not have nukes. Can they be allowed to have nukes?

DT: No, they can’t have nukes.

Trump has it exactly right.

Iran's military is a bit of a joke. The Mullahs' power rests in the cash they generate from oil sales and the Hezbollah, Hamas, and Houthi terrorism they can buy with that cash. Soon, they'll have nukes to hide behind and, as Trump understands, bullies with nukes must be shown more respect than bullies without nukes.


Oil and nukes are the priority targets — and the ones Biden has bullied Netanhayu into taking off the table.

If Biden gets his way, the best-case scenario is nuclear blackmail, courtesy of the same regime that sponsored Oct. 7 and too many other atrocities to count. The worst-case scenario is a second Holocaust — this time, nuclear.

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