RFK Jr Wants to Get Into Your Pantries

AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin

Former Democrat longshot presidential contender — hell, former Democrat — Robert F. Kennedy wants to get into your pantries and make everything better. That's "pantries" with an R, I swear, even though this is a Kennedy we're talking about.


RFK Jr is 75% on board with the whole MAGA thing, changing the G to an H to Make America Healthy Again — and he's back at it this week with a new X video. "Democrats, who claim to be all about health care, have stood by watching other countries ban these poisons that make our kids sick," he posted. "Enough is enough. President Trump and I are going to stop the mass poisoning of American children."

He wants to ban a whole lot of things that go into a whole lot of foods that kids enjoy — and adults, too. 

My Twitchy colleague, Sam Janney, replied to RFK's video with: "Parents need to make these decisions, not the government," and I largely agree. Kennedy conflates a bunch of issues in his video that have little or nothing to do with what Quaker Oats puts into each painful yet delicious bite of Cap'n Crunch. We spend too much on health care in this country largely because Washington cartelized the entire industry — from how we pay to the care we receive — driving up prices in a system consumers can no longer understand.

Honestly, the last thing anyone should want is a Kennedy in their pantry.

That said, I've done a ton of research into one of those ingredients on RFK's naughty list, and I came away convinced that if the stuff isn't actual poison, it's pretty close. 


I'm talking about high fructose corn syrup (HFCS).

While I have a general aversion to the government banning things, such as a variety of so-called "assault weapons" I lost in a tragic boating accident in a lake I've forgotten the name of, we're now in the third decade of an obesity-related public health crisis. 

Fat kills. This is indisputable. The whole "body positivity" movement is just part of an inevitable preference cascade in a country largely made up of overweight people. 

Weight, it's sad to say, is easy to gain and difficult to take off. It's even more difficult when so much of the food we eat is loaded up with "prevalent, insidious, and egregious" garbage like HFCS. 

Maybe we do need to ban HFCS or at least strictly limit its use.

But here's why you should make government the master of your pantry only with great trepidation: our obesity crisis is a creation of Washinton having the power to try and make us healthier. Bad diet recommendations implemented by Washington 50 years ago — and heavily influenced by the sugar lobby — helped us pack on the pounds. Sugar tariffs and corn subsidies made HFCS the affordable alternative — and made it so difficult to take the pounds off.

HFCS also seems to have an addictive quality to it, making it more difficult to resist just one more Cheeto. "Maybe two. Or three. Then I'll stop."


I'm sympathetic to Kennedy's concerns. But Big Government helped get us into this mess so we should all have an aversion to Big Government getting us out of it.

But please do make up your own mind, so here's RFK's video to help you do that.

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