If Harris Is Doing So Great, Why Did She Go Full Commie?

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

Kamala Harris was cruising to victory — if the press was to be believed — running a "vibes" campaign with less content than a hobo's day-old can of Sterno. So why did she make a hard left turn just days before her re-anointment as the Democratic presidential nominee?


("Re-anointment" because, this year, the DNC is nothing more than "democratic" window-dressing over the vape-filled room cabal that made her the nominee after forcing President Joe Biden out.)

In case you missed it, Harris on Friday unveiled her economic agenda, which amounts to the federal takeover of pretty much the entire economy in the name of fighting "price-gouging." How those would work in practice Harris hasn't quite explained (nor could she), but campaign surrogate Rep. Seth Moulton (D-Mass.) was already helping her back off that ledge yesterday on "The Hill Sunday."

“I think this is basically a statement of vision at this point,” Moulton said. “I mean, she’s building the plane as she flies it right now, jumping into this campaign so late.”


Even the Washington Post "destroyed" Harris's plan.

ASIDE: Harris expects her voters to ignore her claiming on one hand that inflation is basically over while on the other claiming inflation is so bad that she needs to impose price controls. It's also a curious coincidence that evil corporations only become greedy enough to indulge in price-gouging when Washington is printing and borrowing funny money by the trillions.


There's also Harris's plan to subsidize first-generation homebuyers to the tune of $25,000 each, using a new $40 billion in government grants that would (naturally) come with the effective federalization of residential zoning and construction. If you thought your local government was incompetent and corrupt when it comes to those, just wait until they fall under the domain of Harris's Ministry of Housing, comrade.

But I'm not here today to pick apart the details of Harris's commie economic agenda. I'm here to tell you why she might have revealed it.

Harris doesn't expect to win — or at least the cabal of Obama insiders running her campaign doesn't expect her to. Yes, Donald Trump's unfavorable ratings are uncomfortably high, but Harris's are worse and she's saddled with Biden's record as effectively the incumbent. 

But there's a long game to be played, even in an election Democrats might not expect to win.

On the off chance that Dems are able to drag her empty pants suit across the finish line, they'll be able to sell it as a mandate for price controls, taking over the housing market, and swapping out Israel for Iran as our new best buds in the Middle East. If she loses, they'll at least have dragged the Overton Window further over to the Left. Nationalizing prices and the housing market might be too radical in 2024 or maybe even 2028, but if Democrats push long enough, they'll eventually seem centrist. 


There's always a method to the Left's seeming madness, and it's this: power.

Recommended: Kamala's Latest Stupid Idea Might Be Her Stupidest—Plus Stealth Reparations!

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