Kamala's Latest Stupid Idea Might Be Her Stupidest—Plus Stealth Reparations!

AP Photo/LM Otero

"Don't write about Kamala Harris on Friday," I told myself Thursday night. "Just take one day off for your sanity." But then her latest absurdity crossed my desk and there was no way I couldn't share it with you. I'll just keep my sanity on hold for another three months.


How about Washington — that's yours and my taxes, bub — ponying up a cool $25,000 for first-time homebuyers?

We know how that will work out, don't we? That's right: every house will instantly become $25,000 more expensive. That's a 10% bump on what the price of a starter home used to be. But thanks to Bidenflation, Harrisflation's down payment assistance will only increase prices by 5%. This is what Democrats call "progress" because either they're unhinged or they think you're stupid, but probably both.

The chocolate ration will remain unchanged at 20 grams, comrades.

And that's just the short run. In the long run, we've already seen what happened when Uncle Sugar nudges banks to get people into houses they can't afford. Remember the 2007-08 subprime meltdown? Wasn't that fun?

While you shouldn't expect an exact repeat of the subprime madness because history rhymes rather than repeats, things never end well when the government messes around with how people buy and sell.

But there's more because I buried the lede on this one. "The Harris-Walz plan" — that's what they're calling it — also promises "more generous support for first-generation homeowners." While that part of the "plan" didn't include a number, it doesn't take much imagination to conclude that "more generous support" translates to "stealth reparations for certain Americans and bribes for illegal aliens."


Maybe I'm wrong on the buried lede but I doubt it. 

The Harris-Walz plan includes $40 billion in federal tax dollars "for local governments to fund local solutions to build housing and support 'innovative' methods of construction financing" because nothing makes things more affordable than throwing endless amounts of government money (and government regulations and controls) at them.

The full details of the Harris-Walz plan will be released later today, but from what we learned on Thursday, it's just another price-busting way for Washington to gain control over local decision-making about home construction. 

Thursday was a big day for Harris. She also proposed anti-"price-gouging" controls on the grocery industry, where the average return is a measly 1.8%. So on the one hand, Democrats tell you Bidenflation is over already. On the other, they tell you it's so bad that we need Cuban-style price controls on grocery stores.

We know how those work out, too, don't we?

Props to my old X acquaintance, Cruadin, for replying, "That's a pretty sterile view of price controls. Can Grok generate images of bread riots and raving mobs eating zoo animals? Because that's what I envision."


It's never as long a road to Venezuela as it appears.

It's also going to be one absurdity after another, at least until election day — and possibly for four years. 

Recommended: Harris Explained Democracy Today and I'm Laughing but Also Frightened

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