Has the Media Finally Had Enough of Kamala Harris's Silent Treatment?

AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell

We're seeing the first indications that even the mainstream media would appreciate it if Kinda Acting President/Democrat Nominee-Designate Kamala Harris would stop ignoring them.


It isn't like I drank my breakfast — I didn't, despite being sorely tempted — so I'm not in a drunken stupor, trying and convince you that the press is going to turn on Harris-Walz. Because in no version of our reality does that happen.

There is, however, a dance that must be performed for the public between Democrats and their enablers in the mainstream media. The media pretends to ask tough questions, and Democrat candidates pretend to answer them. The problem is that Harris isn't playing her part in the dance — and the press is starting to pipe up a bit in frustration.

ASIDE: My favorite (if that's the right word) dancer is probably ABC News's George Stephanopoulos because he has a really good routine. And it is a routine — once you recognize the steps, you'll see him repeat them in almost every interview. Stephanopoulos can claim he's unbiased because he usually hits his interview subject with one genuinely tough question. That's the first step. The second step is to sit quietly while his Democrat guest spews their prepared BS answer. The third step should be the devastating follow-up question that obliterates the prepared BS answer. But for Stephanopoulos, there is no third step.

Politico's Myah Ward ran a piece on Monday that started with the usual dreck about how Harris's biggest challenge is keeping up with how awesome she's already been but also admitted to "questions about her own ability to meet the challenges of a tough campaign."


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Among the five questions that Ward says Harris must answer, the first and most important is whether she is "prepared to go off script."

Grumbling among reporters and columnists picked up this week about Harris not sitting for questions from the press. And Republicans are hammering the point, with former President Donald Trump and his running mate, Sen. JD Vance, holding press conferences of their own to draw a contrast.

Harris’ last formal sit-down interview was on June 24, with MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” to mark the anniversary of the Dobbs decision. She spoke with CNN’s Anderson Cooper days after, following President Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance.

Cooper and "Morning Joe" weren't exactly hostile environments for Harris, yet "She hasn’t put any other interviews or press conferences on her schedule," and "her team appears in no rush to get something on the books."

The answer to Ward's question appears to be a hard "No."

On Sunday, the Washington Post's editorial board — really! — published an editorial headlined "Questions we’d love to ask Kamala Harris." The implication, of course, is that Harris hasn't given them a chance to ask those questions, not even just to sit there and nod along like Stephanopoulos to some prepared BS answers. Pointedly, the editors said that Harris's recent flip-flops toward the MAGA agenda (my words, not theirs) are "a lot of mind-changing for the public to absorb without further explanation."


WaPo's editors seemed less concerned about actually asking questions than about giving Harris a stern reminder. "Elections aren’t just about winning," the editors wrote. "They’re about accumulating political capital for a particular agenda, which Ms. Harris can’t do unless she articulates one."

The press wants Harris to say the things that will make them happy. Instead, she's supporting fracking, pretending to be tough on the border, and just plain stealing Donald Trump's promise to not tax tips.

What's going on here, they want to know. When will Harris tell them?


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