
VIDEO: It's Official. JD Vance Has Stones Like Church Bells.

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

"Kamala, oh Kamala, oh, have you seen Kamala — Kamala the AWOL lady?" —Groucho Marx, possibly.

Unofficial Acting President/Undemocratically Chosen presidential candidate Kamala Harris has been running an above-ground basement campaign. Unlike President Emeritus Joe Biden, who physically hid from the press and the people during his 2020 basement run, Harris can be seen seemingly everywhere.

But just like Biden, she's been avoiding the press like I used to avoid third-period class when there was an Algebra II test I hadn't studied for. GOP vice presidential contender JD Vance saw an opportunity to change that — and he took it like a man with a set of brass ones so big that it sounds like a call to service every time he takes a step.

Earlier today, Vance took a set of steps toward Air Force Two in Eau Claire, Wisc., where he and Harris had dueling campaign stops. Both of their planes were on the tarmac at the same time. Unlike Harris, who has yet to give a single unscripted answer in more than two weeks, Vance was happy to chat it up with the press.

"I figured I'd come by... [unintelligible due to wind noise]," he told reporters. "Hopefully it's going to be my plane in a few months. I also thought you guys may get lonely because the vice president doesn't answer questions from reporters — and hasn't for 17 days."

"Have they given you guys an explanation for why she won't take questions from reporters?" Vance continued.

You'd think that would be the kind of question the press would be asking very loudly, with all the crazed determination of Glenn Close in "Fatal Attraction."

In the movie, Michael Douglas gave her the worst ghosting in history — up until Kamala Harris and the news media. But unlike the movie, the press isn't about to go and boil her bunny. They're content to be ignored.

"I think it would be good for you all," Vance told the gathered reporters, "if she ran a real campaign."

It would be good for the country, too, but our supine press seems more than happy to take Democrats' seeming abuse and neglect because they're in on the scam. 

Here's the whole clip, and I do hope you watch it, if only to see how relaxed and in command Vance appears to be. 

Finally, if you don't know the Grouch Marx reference, here it is.

P.S. Thank you once again for being one of our VIP or VIP Gold members. Your support means more than I could hope to explain. 


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