
Biden Campaign Collapse Tracker: That Narrative Isn't Going to Change Itself, Joe

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

It's a Very Special Independence Day episode of my Biden Campaign Collapse Tracker, exclusively today for our VIP and VIP Gold members. Partly because you deserve it and partly because you're probably the only ones crazy enough to show up here today.

Shall we begin?

Let's dispense with the notion that Presidentish Joe Biden is going to pull an LBJ and refuse his party's nomination. In fact, the Biden Cabal is moving to accelerate it. You might have read at PJ Media already that due to Ohio law and the late DNC convention this year, Biden-Harris wasn't going to be nominated in time to make the Ohio ballot. The DNC's solution was to schedule a virtual ballot for August 7. Biden would walk — shuffle, really — into the convention already the nominee.

But then Ohio amended its law, obviating the need for an online nomination.


Nevertheless, the DNC is still holding the virtual roll call. On June 22 they finalized those plans by a vote of 360-2. The DNC may even move that up to July 21, according to reporting from Bloomberg. That’s 18 days away.

Now, 17.

The Biden Cabal controls the DNC and Biden controls the overwhelming majority of delegates for the first vote — which the DNC might hold less than three weeks from now. If somebody is going to try some "really futile and stupid gesture" to steal the nomination, the White House has made sure they won't have much time to do it.

As I've said for three years, nobody is getting rid of Joe Biden.

Yet there is little chance that Biden, as currently (and correctly) viewed by the American public, is going to win reelection. The White House has to change the Vacant Old Man narrative and they're running out of time.

How's that going so far? About like this.

Biden's Monday Supreme Court statement was particularly bad. He couldn't do four minutes of teleprompter without screwing up. Instead, he cemented the narrative when he turned his back and shuffled away while reporters asked if he was too old to be president.

POTUS didn't do himself any narrative-busting favors on Wednesday, either.

Biden always appears to be running less for president and more for the exits.

I suppose there's always that interview that Biden is supposed to do with totally objective ABC News correspondent/Democrat Party hack George Stephanopoulos on Friday...

...however, I doubt it.

Some argue that Stephanopoulos has been brought on not to help Biden but to commit the System's coup de grâce and "rhetorically assassinate" their flailing POTUS. Let George trip him up a couple of times in front of the TV cameras, the thinking goes, and even DOCTOR Jill Biden will have no choice but to relent and tell Joe to go Full LBJ. 

But even if Stephanopoulos gives Biden nothing but narrative-resetting softball questions — and the White House Dr. Feelgood gets his chemical cocktail just right — the interview will be pre-recorded, not live.

That's no way to change the narrative. To do that, the American people need to see Biden perform like a president, live and unscripted, in a forum lasting more than a few minutes. 

And the clock is ticking.


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