Yale Group Welcomes You to the Global Intifada

AP Photo/Majdi Mohammed

Yale University’s Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) group went to Instagram on Sunday to call on supporters to “escalate disruption” in an "open intifada" against the West. The local chapter, known as Yalies4Palestine, called for violent resistance "in every capital and city" in America, Europe, and Israel.


SJP also recently posted a photo of its Columbia University protest sign that said, "WHOEVER IS IN SOLIDARITY WITH OUR CORPSES BUT NOT OUR ROCKETS IS A HYPOCRITE AND NOT ONE OF US," and concluded with "UNTIL VICTORY."

"From the river to the sea," they like to chant — and now "the river" is the Hudson, the Potomac, the Thames, and the Seine. 

They aren't "pro-Palestine" so much as they are pro-Islamic violence.

A reply to the original call for intifada read: "The Zionist entity is expecting us to be distracted from their atrocities this holiday weekend. DM us to find an emergency action in your area as we answer the call for a worldwide escalation."

According to Campus Reform, "the Harvard Undergraduate Palestine Committee re-posted the graphic on its Instagram page."

Here's the original message in full with some added emphasis by yours truly.

Escalate disruption and confrontation across historic Palestine, from every checkpoint and street corner to the face of every settler and soldier. Escalate protests to an open intifada in every capital and city in order to deprive the world from its heavy slumber that comes at the expense of the bodies and remains of those who survive; disrupt [or "paralyze"] all facets of daily life until our people can breathe freely without the taint of the Israeli, American, and European war machine.


I'm old enough to remember those heady days after 9/11 when various Muslim groups and their apologists in the Democrat-Media Complex assured us that jihad could mean a perfectly peaceful "internal struggle" to make oneself better. Sure, it was a garbage excuse then, and it's a garbage excuse now. But there's no getting around the fact intifada means "uprising." It means violence — in this case, on a global scale.

Whether the violence includes mass murder, mass rape, and mass kidnappings as they did in Israel on Oct. 7 is a question most people would rather not see answered, but whatever the details might turn out to be, America's campus-based Red-Green Guards have endorsed the call for violence. 

ASIDE: Please note that I wrote "campus-based" and not "students." Arrests to date at these various campus occupations revealed that (in every case I'm aware of) fewer than half the occupiers were actually students. The majority are professional agitators with ties, I believe, to Qatar, Soros organizations, and even China. I'm pleased to report that the vast majority of college students are still mostly interested in beer, sex, and sometimes doing some schoolwork.


What are campus or local authorities doing about this explicit call for violence? Nothing, at least not so far.

Here's the thing, though. The civilized world can either push back against these incitements in our civilized way — police, the courts, and prison if it comes to that — or something worse will happen.

I'm not endorsing violence, mind you. But if this isn't nipped in the bud, I am predicting it.

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