
Insanity Wrap: No Justice Is Possible for the Killers of Retired Cop Andreas Probst

(Mugshot courtesy of local authorities.)

Is there any human punishment fit for the joyriding killers of Andreas Probst? That’s the lead crazy on today’s Insanity Wrap, an entire week’s worth of the best bad news.


  • Britain seems to have normalized diaper fetishes, so that’s… nice?
  • Ohio took a chance on 2nd Amendment rights, and it paid off handsomely.
  • Nobody wants to eliminate Israel except the proud progressives who kinda wanna.

Before we get to today’s big story, here’s a short video to make you lose whatever little faith you might still have in humanity.

How Long Can You Stand to Watch?

In this week’s “How Long Can You Stand to Watch?” challenge, I made it all of 11 seconds before closing the tab with extreme prejudice.

How long did you last?

Exit Question: How long before he graces the cover of Teen Vogue?

Justice for Andreas Probst, No Justice for His Murderers

I try to keep Insanity Wrap light and bring you the crazy stories that might bring a smile to your face. Sometimes it’s the stories that will make you sad or, like this week, the story that will make your blood boil.

You have probably already seen the video of two teenage thugs named Jesus Ayala and Jzamir Keys who stole a car in Las Vegas on August 14 and took it joyriding. Their little ride was straight out of Grand Theft Auto, including hitting other cars and even a cyclist. One of the thugs live-streamed the whole thing, and you can hear them egging one another on. The cyclist was retired police chief Andreas Probst, age 64. He died of his injuries. Ayala and Keys can be heard laughing about it.

After their arrest, police released bodycam (or maybe dashcam) footage of Ayala boasting, “You think this juvenile s*** is going to do something? I’ll be out in 30 days. Watch, I bet you.”

If that didn’t get your blood boiling, wait until you see this brief clip of their court appearance on Tuesday, laughing, joking, and flipping off the family of the man they murdered to the sound of their own laughter.

“Just a f******* hit and run. Slap on the wrist,” Ayala predicted during his arrest.


They’re facing murder charges as adults with a trial date set for next September.

What, boys, now you’re ashamed?

The evidence looks ironclad. There don’t seem to be any process problems that could get the case dismissed. Assuming a competent prosecution, a jury will deliver justice for Andreas Probst and his family.

But what could possibly do justice to sociopaths like Ayala and Keys?

I’m not a huge fan of the death penalty, and, in this case, I’m not sure corrupted souls like these two would take much more notice of their own deaths than they did of Andreas Probst’s. Lock them in prison forever, and they’ll almost certainly enjoy continued violent lives of crime in a more confined area and at taxpayer expense.

These are the sad limits of human justice. I’m not much for prayer, but maybe this would be a good time to ask for justice of a more divine and lasting nature.

Previously On Insanity Wrap: The Battle for the Soul of Disney Is On

Before We Continue, Here’s a Short Video to Restore Your Faith in Everything…

My three dogs don’t get nearly that excited about walks.

But if I end the sentence with “ride” instead of “walk,” they look like the Three Stooges trying to get through the door to the garage all at once.

And Now for Some Very Good News Indeed

Anti-gun rights group Everytown rated Ohio a very naughty #33 in the nation this year for “its weak gun safety laws.” That’s down three places from the lightly less naughty 30th place in 2022. The reason? A little over a year ago, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine signed “permitless carry” legislation allowing concealed carry for most adults.

“Officers will be put at risk by the increase in people carrying concealed weapons without any training,” one report warned. “Weakened concealed carry laws are associated with an estimated 9.5% increase in rates of criminal assaults with firearms,” said another. “As cultural norms and laws around guns change, more hostile altercations are likely to involve guns,” the authors of a Johns Hopkins University Center for Gun Violence Solutions wrote.

I could go on, but you know the drill: “Guns bad, mmmkay?”

Instead, here’s my pal Cam Edwards with what happened in the first year under Ohio’s permitless carry law:

Not only did violent crime and homicide rates both decline last year, the drop in violent crime in Ohio far outpaced the national average. The doom-and-gloom predictions of the anti-gunners were flat-out wrong, and Ohio is a safer state today than it was when Gov. Mike DeWine signed SB 215 into law.

Carry on, citizen.

Quote(s) of the Week

Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss totally, publicly contradicting and humiliating yourself.

Exclusively for our VIPs: Producers ‘Haven’t Even Begun’ the Next James Bond, and This Fan Says WHEW!

A quick little something before we get to the closing meme…

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One More Thing…

That’s a Wrap for this week.

Come back next week for another Insanity Wrap…

…assuming we make it that long.

P.S. Need a little mirth after all of today’s serious news? Then don’t miss the “Five O’Clock Somewhere” VIP Gold Live Chat with Stephen Kruiser and Yours Truly at 4 p.m. Eastern on Mondays and Fridays. There is sometimes a special guest and almost always day-drinking.


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