The GOP Primaries Are Gonna Get Ugly — Between Us, Not Them

(AP Photo/Paramount Pictures)

It’s an odd feeling, the GOP primaries being almost here — the Iowa caucuses aren’t much more than six months out, followed quickly by … everywhere else, it seems. On the one hand, it feels impossible that it’s only been four years since the Democrats were in the same position, a huge field of candidates gearing up for battle. On the other hand, it feels impossible that Presidentish Joe Biden has been in office for just 30 months. The Biden Cabal is so exhausting that some days it feels like they’ve occupied the White House forever.


It’s vital that one of these GOP contenders take them out, but between now and the nominating convention next summer, things are going to get ugly. Not between the Republican candidates, mind you — that’s expected and normal. I mean between us voters, here on the right. Right here on the pages and in the comments of PJ Media. U – G – L – Y.

Take a deep breath. We’ve been here before.

Are you AlwaysTrump? Or maybe Tim Scott looks like the GOP’s future to you? Are you Team DeSantis? Does Nikki Haley get your pulse racing? Are Vivek Ramaswamy’s new ideas enough to earn your primary vote? Is Christ Christie — and I’m trying very hard not to judge right now — your man for 2024?

Everybody has their preference, some quite strong. And in the heat of the moment, whether it’s the hot-button issue of the day, a breaking scandal, or yet another lawsuit, it’s easy for PJ writers and readers to go to the mattresses with one another.

Take a deep breath, I’ll remind you again: we’ve been here before.

In the original Godfather, when mob war broke out in New York, Corleone mob capo Peter Clemenza explained to young Michael what was going to happen. The war will get “pretty goddam bad,” he said. “Probably all the other Families will line up against us. That’s all right. These things gotta happen every five years or so, ten years. Helps to get rid of the bad blood.”


It’s the same thing in a presidential primary. Contrary to the wishes and designs of our Founders, the presidency has grown so big and so powerful and controls so much spending and regulatory power, the general election feels like a life-and-death struggle.

Which is basically what it’s become in recent cycles. And as passions get hot, Democrats and Republicans alike carry that life-and-death attitude into our primary fights.

In 2015 and early 2016, before Trump became the nominee apparent and earned my support, I sometimes let my passions — and my concern this unproven former Democrat wouldn’t govern like a Republican — get the better of me.

Not this time. 2024 is too important.

PJ Media has always served as a platform for competing conservative visions, in our articles and in our comments. Sometimes even you, gentle reader, let your temper and preferences get the better of you the last time around. That’s OK. These things gotta happen every four years or so, eight years. Helps to get rid of the bad blood.

So maybe your candidate is the one to depose the Biden cabal. Maybe it’s mine.

Honestly, I don’t have any strong preferences yet. Let’s look at the two top competitors, DeSantis and Donald Trump, so I can show you why.


First off, Americans love almost nothing better than a comeback story, so I’d love to see Trump take the White House back. Then again, DeSantis has a better track record as governor when it comes to putting the squeeze on the radical lefties. On the third hand, Trump has become so toxic with independents and women, that it’s hard to see his path to 270. But, Point D, so far DeSantis reminds me a bit of Ted Cruz in 2016: maybe better on paper than he is on the primary campaign trail.

So let them fight it out. Let the strongest candidate emerge. And then — this is the important part — all of us rally around the nominee.

We’ll leave the bad blood behind and, no matter who the nominee is, PJ Media will be here as that platform conservatives need where we can fight it out without ever forgetting that it’s not about this man or that woman, but about the ideas we know are right and work.

If you’d like to help keep that platform alive and growing — and gain access to exclusive news stories, columns, podcasts, and video live chats with your favorite writers — please consider becoming one of our VIP supporters. We have an almost unbeatable offer right now with 50% OFF using today’s promo code: SAVEAMERICA.


Thanks, and I’ll see you in the comments.

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