
Insanity Wrap: I'll Have a Half-Double Decaffeinated Half-Caff With a Twist of Racism

AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar

Starbucks is guilty of anti-white racism, according to a $25 million jury verdict in New Jersey. That’s the big crazy on today’s Insanity Wrap — an entire week’s worth of nuttiness wrapped up in one easy-to-swallow medicated news capsule.


  • “Kids and kink can coexist at Pride,” says someone who totally isn’t after your kids.
  • Americans have had it up to their fake nipples with this issue.
  • PBS News Hour has a very stern warning for Joe Biden Donald Trump supporters.

Before we get to today’s big story, here’s a short video to make you lose whatever little faith you might still have in humanity.

How Long Can You Stand to Watch?

In this week’s “How Long Can You Stand to Watch?” challenge, I made it all of nine seconds before closing the tab with extreme prejudice.

How long did you last?

New Jersey Jury Finds Starbucks Officially Racist

Starbucks is probably on one of those silly lists of Stuff White People Like and, come to think of it, it’s probably on all of those silly lists. But according to one New Jersey jury, Starbucks sure doesn’t seem to like white people — to the tune of $25.6 million in damages.

The story is kind of a hot mess, so I’ll try to stick to the bullet points.

Shannon Phillips was a Starbucks regional director whose area of responsibility included Philadelphia during a supposedly racial incident at a Starbucks there in 2018. Two black men had been waiting at a table for a while for a third person to arrive for their meeting. They hadn’t ordered anything and, when one of them asked to use the bathroom, his request was denied. They sat a while longer, still having not made a purchase, when the manager called the police.

There was video. The video was not pleasant to watch. All the usual people made all the usual charges of racism.

The viral video made all the headlines, you might recall, including an official and public apology from CEO Kevin Johnson and seemingly lectures from various media outlets about the “implicit bias” of white people against persons of other colors. Starbucks closed all 8,000 stores for a full day to teach employees that “racism is bad, mmkay,” and instituted a Free Bathrooms for Everybody policy that has made the shops a favorite of stinky homeless drug abusers.

There’s just one kink in this morality play: The Rittenhouse Square Starbucks manager was black.

So Starbucks — requiring a racial scapegoat, according to Phillips’ lawsuit — found a white person to fire: Her.

In her complaint, Phillips alleged that Starbucks “took steps to punish white employees who had not been involved in the arrests, but who worked in and around the city of Philadelphia, to convince the community that it had properly responded to the incident.”

The jury agreed. On Monday they ordered Starbucks to pay Phillips $600,000 in compensatory damages and a whopping $25 million in punitive damages.

What that means is, at least according to one jury, Starbucks is officially racist against white people.

Keep that in mind the next time you’re about to ask for extra cream.

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Before We Continue, Here’s a Short Video to Restore Your Faith in Everything…

I can’t stop laughing.

On the flip side, here’s an older shot of our current Golden and our former cat.

Insanity Wrap

The cat was fine, I swear.

Your Weekly Dose of Mostly Peaceful Protest

What do you get when the Left purposely conflates a mental or emotional health problem with a civil rights issue, as part of their unending effort to destroy individual liberty?

Sure, you get everything from scenes like the distasteful White House “Pride” event on Sunday to pedo pervs who think it’s safe to openly prey on children.

But eventually, you get this: Support For Transgenderism Is Cratering.

I have gay friends and internet acquaintances who are genuinely concerned that the “drag Marxists,” as I’ve started calling them, will undo 50 years of real progress. We’ve come a long way, baby, from mainline gays winning hard-earned acceptance to “use my imaginary personal pronouns, bigot, or I’ll get you fired.”

But it’s been a long way down.

Quote of the Week

PBS News Hour felt it necessary during Donald Trump’s speech on Tuesday to caution viewers that “Experts warn that inflammatory rhetoric from elected officials or people in power can prompt individual actors to commit acts of violence.”

But End Wokeness wants to know: “Does PBS put this warning label when Biden labels half the country white supremacists?”

Ha-ha, no. Don’t be silly.

To be fair, though, at least PBS showed Trump instead of cutting away in a snit.

Previously On Insanity Wrap: PETA Pres. Says Come for the Vegetarianism but Stay for the Cannibalism

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One More Thing…

Racism Is Not the Correct Alt Text for this Photo

You’ll rarely go wrong so long as you remember that whatever the Left accuses the Right of doing, is almost certainly what the Left is actually doing.

That’s a Wrap for this week.

Come back next week for another Insanity Wrap…

…assuming we make it that long.


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