
REPLAY: 'Five O'Clock Somewhere' with Kruiser, VodkaPundit

I’m a little late writing the intro for today’s “Five O’Clock Somewhere.”

Now that we’re on a thrice-weekly schedule, I got stuck on a question I thought I needed answered before I could get this intro written.

If there’s a nice, hyphenated phrase like “thrice-weekly” for something that occurs three times a week, why isn’t there a nice, hyphenated phrase for the first instance of a thrice-weekly occurrence.

But then I tried coining one. The best I could do was “first-of-thrice-weekly,” and that was after even worse attempts like “once, twice, three times a weekly.” Then I tried to boil the whole thing down into a single word: “Fricely.”

It’s been a complicated morning, as you can see, so please bear with me (and Kruiser, too, of course) on today’s show.


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