Insanity Wrap: California Is Officially a S***hole Country

Santiago Mejia/San Francisco Chronicle via AP, Pool, File

Welcome to Insanity Wrap, an entire week’s worth of lefty nuttiness wrapped up in one easy-to-swallow capsule of news. California’s demotion to “s***hole country” is this week’s (not entirely unexpected) big crazy.



  • TikToker feeling that Stalinist pride
  • Paul Pelosi is looking pretty lit
  • AOC is almost right about gun control being racist

Before we get to today’s big story, here’s a short video to make you lose whatever little faith you might still have in humanity.

This Is Not a Sane World, Exhibit #1,000,006

Wye Hill Kitchen & Brewing — which bills itself as “righteously good chef-driven bar food” — is the restaurant that canceled Moms 4 Liberty’s reservation.

I’m guessing they’re getting some blowback because Wye Hill’s Twitter account has been locked down.

But the worst part is “Katherine 4 Justice” and the smug superiority she feels for her despicable actions.

California: S***hole Country

Californians turning to Mexico to flee high prices, crime

The lyric of “I Am… I Said” has aged even worse than 1971 clothing fashion.

L.A.’s fine, the sun shines most the time
And the feeling is laid back
Palm trees grow and rents are low
But you know I keep thinkin’ about
Making my way back

In ’71, L.A.-based Neil Diamond was thinking of making his way back to New York.


In recent years, Angelenos and San Franciscans have been fleeing to places like Austin, Denver, or Miami.

But in increasingly pre-modern postmodern California, people are escaping to Mexico.

“I would say at least half are coming down from California,” Darrell Graham of Baja123 Real Estate Group said about real estate trends he has seen.

“Suddenly the cost of taxes, the crime rates, the politics, all the things that people are unhappy with in California are are coming down to Mexico.”

California is the second most expensive state to live in after Hawaii, according to Credit Karma.

At least Hawaii is well-maintained. Californians pay through the nose for everything, including government, but what they get for their money is “urban campers” and their state-sponsored opioid flea markets, rolling brownouts, raging fires due to poor forestry, crappy streets, high crime, defunded police, the occasional commie district attorney, and more.

Or should I say “and less?”

Plus: “The median price of a home in California is about $797,470, which only a quarter of the state’s households could afford in Q4 2021.”

It’s safe to say that with a typical home being out of reach of a typical Californian, there’s not really a middle class, as properly understood, left there — just like your typical Third World nation.

If we were somehow able to boot California out of the Union, it would fit under Donald Trump’s crude-but-correct “s***hole country” label.


Mexico — with its raging drug wars (more than 44,000 people murdered since 2007), infamously corrupt government, and often subpar infrastructure — is becoming preferable to progressively woke California.

“Sure, in Mexico I might get beheaded by a cartel thug,” you can imagine some Angeleno saying. “But my odds aren’t much better in L.A. and at least I can afford the rent in Ensenada.”

“And I hear the Mexican food there is pretty good.”

Recommended: How Are Those Russia Sanctions Workin’ Out for Ya, Joe?

Before We Continue, Here’s a Short Video to Restore Your Faith in Everything…

Everything Is Racist

Maybe someday she can be President of California
AP Photo/Susan Walsh
AOC Suggests Checking Juvenile Criminal Records To Be Able To Buy A Gun Could Be Racist

Considering the racist origins of gun control — it was how post-Civil War Democrats kept freed blacks unarmed and defenseless — Congresscritter Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (CPUSA-New York) might have a point here.

Except, as usual, she doesn’t.

Her remarks were in response to a bipartisan group of U.S. senators who released a framework of solutions that they were going to try to pass that included an enhanced review process for people under 21-years-old. “For buyers under 21 years of age, requires an investigative period to review juvenile and mental health records, including checks with state databases and local law enforcement,” the agreement said.

“AOC tells me she is worried about the criminalization in the gun framework: ‘particularly, the juvenile criminalization, the expansion of background checks into juvenile records, I want to explore the implications of that and how specifically i’s designed and tailored,’” reporter Eric Michael Garcia tweeted.


The bad news is that ten GOP senators — enough to bust a filibuster — are in on the framework and will presumably vote in favor of whatever dog-vomit bill emerges from it.

The good news is that Professionally Dissatisfied Wokesters like AOC might sabotage the thing in the House because some unreformed post-juvenile sociopath might get his records examined on the very slight chance that someday he tries legally to purchase a firearm.

Sometimes, honestly, I just love watching the sausage get made — and then left out to spoil.

Quote of the Week

As our Quote of the Week, “Uhh…” isn’t exactly up there with Oscar Wilde.

But it — and the painfully long pause — really do say it all.

The Craziest Person in the World (This Week)

Paul Pelosi mugshot
(Mugshot courtesy of local authorities.)
Napa County authorities release Paul Pelosi mugshot weeks after DUI arrest

Presumption of innocence and all that, but as one drinker to another, Paul, you look lit.

And you’d have to be the craziest person in the world (this week) to think otherwise.

Previously On Insanity Wrap: Biden Tells You It’s Raining While… You Know… On Your Boots

One More Thing…

That’s the best minute and 41 seconds you’ll spend all day.

That’s a Wrap for this week.


Come back next week for another Insanity Wrap…

…assuming we make it that long.

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