Afghanistan Hostage Crisis: Family of Navy Vet Wants Biden Official Fired

AP Photo/Kathy Gannon

None in the mainstream media dare call it a hostage crisis, but the family of a Navy vet held hostage in Afghanistan for months is demanding accountability from Presidentish Joe Biden.


Now a civil engineer whose work brought him to Afghanistan several times, Mark Frerichs was taken hostage last January by members of the Taliban-aligned Haqqani network. Frerichs was last seen in the remote Khost Province on the lawless Pakistani. border.

Frerichs’ sister, Charlene Cakora, says that U.S. special representative for Afghan reconciliation Zalmay Khalilzad “appears to have ignored my brother’s kidnapping.”

“They need someone talking to the Taliban who will make Mark a priority,” said Cakora. “Ambassador Khalilzad needs to be fired.”

Cakora was also quoted saying, “I know that when wars end, prisoners on both sides should have the ability to come home.”

The problem is, Biden might have ended our war in Afghanistan but that doesn’t mean the Taliban has ended its war with us.

Jack Beyrer reported today for the WFB that the leader of the Haqqani network, Sirajuddin Haqqani, isn’t just wanted by the FBI on terrorism charges, but “joined the Taliban government earlier in September in a cabinet-level position.”

If Frerichs’ name doesn’t sound familiar despite months of captivity, maybe that’s because “Biden has mentioned Frerichs in public once before in a July speech, but stumbled over his name when doing so,” according to Beyrer.


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Much of this could have been avoided had Biden not ordered the military to withdraw on an arbitrary deadline before getting our people out. Frerichs was taken by Haqqani in January, but the Taliban was allowed by Biden’s recklessness to take the entire country — and the “best estimates are that there’s several thousand [U.S.] green card holders in Afghanistan.”

That last is courtesy of Secretary of State Antony Blinken, as reported late Tuesday by PJ Media’s own Matt Margolis.

As my PJ Media colleague (and sometimes scotch drinking buddy) Austin Bay put it for Strategy Page on Wednesday after watching Blinkin testify before the Senate, Team Biden was focused “on managing political perception instead of executing policy actions that address on-the-ground facts.”

On-the-ground facts like thousands of U.S. green cardholders. On-the-ground facts like one or two hundred U.S. citizens. And one last on-the-ground fact named Mark Frerichs.

I’ve got a long list of people who ought to be fired for Biden’s bungled bugout, and the name of exactly one president who ought to be impeached over it.


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