Welcome to Insanity Wrap, your daily dose of the best of the worst. How to defeat racism with this one weird trick is today’s big crazy.
- Anthony Fauci IS science
- Yet another journalist repeating fake news before doing any journalisming
- Hamid Karzai would like to speak to the manager
Before we get to today’s big story, here’s a short video to make you lose whatever little faith you might still have in humanity.
This Is Not a Sane World, Exhibit #1,000,006
Glasses are.. you guessed it.. racist! pic.twitter.com/WtvIk2YpgP
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) June 21, 2021
Glasses are racist because they were invented by white people.
Insanity Wrap needs to know: Exactly how bored does a person have to become before they’ll take some random item in their possession and try to determine its secret racist foundation?
P.S. Miss, glasses give everybody those annoying little grooves — even white people!
Sheldon Whitehouse Shows You How to Defeat Racism With This One Weird Trick

Approximately every other pope, someone brings up the fact that Rhode Island’s junior Democrat senator, Sheldon Whitehouse, belongs to a whites-only beach club.
Insanity Wrap’s Hot Air colleague Ed Morrissey notes that Whitehouse “promised to resign from Bailey’s Beach Club as well as another all-white social club.”
He has not done so.
“But surely,” we hear you ask, “Whitehouse has used his influence to open up Bailey’s and that other place to non-whites, right?”
Neither has his wife, Sandra Thornton, who is an actual part-owner of the club.
Here’s Sen. Whitehouse in action.
Er, inaction.
Belonging to a beach club that might as well have a sign on the door saying “No Coloreds” is “a long tradition in Rhode Island,” the senator says.
Well, so is electing boneheads to the Senate, but that doesn’t make it right.
For what it’s worth, Rhode Island has elected exactly four Republicans to the Senate in the last 100 years, and two of those were Chafees — which Insanity Wrap posits don’t count.
If the Whitehouses wanted to quit, they could have. If they wanted the club to admit non-whites, they could probably have wrangled that, too.
Still, the media barely bothers Whitehouse over his longstanding membership at a historically all-white beach club, despite the fact that “if a Republican belonged to an all-white club for even a year, the media would never let it go.”
But there’s a very good reason for the seeming discrepancy: Whitehouse has learned how to defeat racism with this one weird trick.
He’s a Democrat.
Here’s Another Damn Thing We Have to Be Concerned About
Over 1,200 retweets for the initial false information.
11 retweets for the correction pic.twitter.com/SmOxNPTewH
— Cameron Cawthorne (@Cam_Cawthorne) June 20, 2021
The important thing is that a lot of smug wokists got their daily ration of hate clicks.
The Craziest Person in the World (Today)

U.S. failed in Afghanistan, former president says
Insanity Wrap could have sworn we were done with kleptocrat Hamid Karzai, but no.
Apparently, the longtime former Afghan president described in WikiLeaks cables as “as weak, indecisive, paranoid and beholden to criminals” thinks we didn’t do enough to save his shithole country from itself.
Did we not spend enough money?
Did we not shed enough blood, including our own?
Please don’t try to tell us, Mr. Karzai, that we didn’t spend enough time.
The problem isn’t that we failed to save Afghanistan. The problem is that there’s no Afghanistan to save.
Afghanistan isn’t actually a country, s***hole or otherwise. Afghanistan is a hole in the map where other countries aren’t.
A hole in the map into which we have poured 20 years of blood and treasure trying to rectify.
But we’re done now, and so are you, Mr. Karzai.
Your Daily Dose of Mostly Peaceful Protest
Here’s higher quality video of the shooting that took place in #HumboldtPark #Chicago I really wish Lightfoot would divert that $10 million to keep criminals off the street. pic.twitter.com/Qn6H6BSEW2
— GOPBluePrint (@GOPBluePrint) June 21, 2021
Move out of the cities while you still can.
A Quick Personal Note
If Insanity Wrap seems extra cranky today, it isn’t our fault.
We seem to have spent last night eating too much, drinking too much, and talking too much.
And sleeping too little.
You see, good friends came into town yesterday for the rare privilege of sending their youngest off for his plebe year at the Air Force Academy.
So we were required to get together and do all those things.
Totally not our fault.
Your Daily Dose of Mandated Unity
Celebrity medical spokesmodel Anthony “Doctor” Fauci IS science.
Cult of personality much?
Insanity Wrap must say something one more time. Hopefully the last time, but we don’t actually hold out much hope.
Science is a process. It’s a process involving disprovable claims, real-world experiments with repeatable outcomes, and peer review, in order to weed out, as much as possible, human bias and failings.
“Anti-me” is the antithesis of all that, which means there’s really just one question you need to ask about Fauci: Not if he stopped being a scientist, but how long ago.
One More Thing…

That’s a Wrap for today.
Come back tomorrow for another Insanity Wrap…
…assuming we make it that long.
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Previously On Insanity Wrap: My Angel Is a (Butch Lesbian) Centerfold
Previously On Insanity Wrap: The Great Reset Comes for the Suburbs
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