Draft Cuomo: Democrats Wondering If It's Time to Dump Biden and Sanders

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo says, "We can hold them for this long but that's it." (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)

His father Mario Cuomo earned the nickname “Hamlet on the Hudson” for his indecisiveness over running for president while he was Governor of New York, but if current Governor Andrew Cuomo wants the job, maybe he should make up his mind very, very quickly.


A Fox News report on Sunday claims that the Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders camps are “worried” about the prospect of Cuomo jumping in late and effectively stealing the nomination. Cuomo the Younger’s daily press conferences on the Chinese coronavirus from Wuhan, a city in China ruled by Chinese Communists where the Chinese-sourced Sino-virus came from, have brought him the kind of national media attention most presidential wanna-be’s can only dream of.

Daily Wire’s Emily Zanotti writes that “Cuomo has earned plenty of praise for his handling of the coronavirus, which seems to have made New York City its ground zero in the United States,” but perhaps most important to largely worried and unenthused Democratic voters, Cuomo is less socialist than Sanders and more cognizant than Biden.

ASIDE: Yes, I realize that being less socialist than Sanders isn’t exactly a high hurdle to clear. Yes, I also realize that being more cognizant than Biden is a hurdle consisting of a wet match draped across a pair of thimbles.

Democrats might also be looking to Cuomo as one of the few national-level Democratic officeholders who aren’t jerking the country around over the Wuhan flu.

A financial rescue package is held up in Congress over Democratic attempts at politicking and stuffing the bill full of Democratic priorities. Powerful Democratic Congressman Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.) called the legislation “an opportunity to restructure things to our vision” in a caucus conference call, which sounds much more like doing things that are good for Democrats than good for the country.


PJ’s own Tyler O’Neil reported earlier today:

On Monday, a senior Republican aide told Townhall’s Guy Benson that Schumer and Pelosi are pushing “unprecedented collective bargaining powers for unions,” “increased fuel emissions standards for airlines,” and “expansion of wind and solar tax credits.” These provisions would arguably make the situation even worse for businesses.

Democrats are engaging in political gamesmanship on this essential stimulus bill in part because some of their Republican colleagues are out-of-pocket due to the very coronavirus their bill is aiming to combat. This is utterly disgusting.


Meanwhile, what about the Democrats’ two remaining presidential contenders?

For his part, Biden is promising to act as a kind of shadow president, giving daily pressers about what he would be doing if he were president. So, he’s cribbing off of Cuomo just like he’s been cribbing off of Trump. In the meantime, #HidingJoeBiden has hit the Twitters because Biden has hardly been seen since his last debate against Sanders a week ago Sunday. Where’s he been? Trying to get the press conference lighting just right, so it won’t show off his growing bald spot, apparently.


Sanders, a sitting senator as well as a presidential contender, might be expected to take a leading role in crafting and pushing the relief bill. Not so. Sanders missed a key procedural vote yesterday choosing instead to do a live stream with “Squad” members Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), and Ilhan Omar (D-Minn). Sanders claimed during the live stream, “It is hard for me to believe that in the midst of this terrible crisis that we have a Senate Republican bill that would give the Trump administration a blank check to hand out corporate welfare to virtually any corporation in America, without conditions as to how they can protect workers in this country.” If any of those workers have a retirement fund or a pension, they’re watching their retirement dreams burn while Sanders fiddles around in front of his webcam.

As a result of Biden and Sanders going AWOL, and the Washington Democratic leadership trying to make political hay out of a deadly virus, the #PresidentCuomo hashtag is gaining steam.


The chances of Cuomo actually jumping in at this late date, when Biden has the nomination all but wrapped up, seem slim at best. But that it’s even being discussed at all shows how little confidence rank-and-file Democrats have in their presidential picks. Just the fact that Cuomo is being discussed so publicly must have a chilling effect on the Biden camp, where they must understand that Joe’s appeal even to Democrats is a mile wide and an inch deep.

If he is going to act, however, Cuomo had better not follow his father’s footsteps for once, and decide quickly.


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