A True Personal Story of No Importance or Interest


I wish I were making this up, but no.

Twice in the last few nights I’ve had dreams with Paul Krugman in them. In the first dream, I remember making fun of him but he turned out to be totally cool about it. He laughed and put everybody at ease. First Dream Krugman turned out to be pretty cool and likable, even dishing some of it right back in a friendly way.


I remember even less of the setup to the second dream, but Krugman was playing with these toy magnet bricks. He was focused on them to the exclusion of everything around him, but creating nothing but a mess. He kept trying to put bricks together, but the polarities confounded him. Somebody — Will Collier? It sounded like him — asked what it was Krugman was having so much trouble trying to make. “Solids,” I answered. Second Dream Krugman started chewing on one of the magnet bricks.

It’s only now I realize that the first dream featured Slate Paul Krugman, and the second dream starred New York Times Paul Krugman.

I need a vacation.


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