Let's Play the Blame Game!

Kathleen Sebelius

From the AP:

After the failure of their drive to defund “Obamacare” by shutting down the government, [Republicans have] been suddenly handed a new line of attack by the administration itself. Administration officials, including Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, are to testify next week.

Cheryl Campbell, senior vice president of CGI [the company which built the federal HealthCare.gov website], suggested in prepared testimony that Congress should look beyond the contractors. HHS “serves the important role of systems integrator or ‘quarterback’ on this project and is the ultimate responsible party for the end-to-end performance,” she said.

Overwhelming interest from consumers triggered the website problems, she said. “No amount of testing within reasonable time limits can adequately replicate a live environment of this nature,” she said.


Overwhelming interest, eh? Then why do the problems persist, now that traffic has enjoyed steep declines?

Oh, right.


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