It’s official: Elysium is a flop. Matt Damon and District 9 director Neill Blomkamp couldn’t make this thing fly.
Color me unsurprised.
I saw the trailer for it early in the summer when I took Number One Son to see Man of Steel, and the trailer was a confused mess. A few weeks later we went back to see another movie, and the trailer had been extended into a behind-the-scenes featurette (which should not be a word, BTW). The problem with the featurette wasn’t that it was a confused mess, but that you felt like you’d just watched the Cliffs Notes for Mao’s Little Red Sci Fi Feature. Yeah, it was that bad. That obvious. That over-the-top propagandistic.
You know what it would take to get me to a Matt Damon movie? His limo.
And I’d slip out the back as soon as I’d gotten my popcorn.
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