Let’s talk Democratic demagoguery. Briefly, because I’m nice like that.
In those rare sessions when the GOP decides to fight seriously for deficit reduction — the last time was 16 years ago — the Democrats demagog the issue. You’re killing old people, you’re starving children, you’re raping puppies, etc. The script hasn’t changed one bit. The only thing different this time around is some of the particular demagogs — oh, and the stakes today are much higher.
In 1995, all we had to do was restrain spending to keep interest rates in check and the bond traders happy to set the stage for some spectacular growth. Today, we have to tame a ravenous beast that will destroy the country, sooner rather than later. So it’s good to see (some in) the GOP rediscover their testicles.
But what amazes me is this: The sheer ineptitude of the demagoguery this time around. Did I right that right, that the President is threatening to veto a bill to keep military paychecks going out?
Look here. The President’s approval numbers are down, down, down, even among blacks and Latinos. The Congress remains about as popular as tropical fungal infections. But our armed forces? Americans love our armed forces. We love them better than small business, churches, and the police. We like them 2-1 over the Supreme Court, fer cryin’ out loud.
And President Obama, who just sent them into yet another unpopular war in the Middle East, is threatening to cut off their paychecks? John Boehner and Paul Ryan set up a trap so obvious it couldn’t fool a blind bear with a stuffy nose — and Obama stepped right into it.
They’ve got to be kidding. I remember when the Democrats were good at this stuff. Of course, I also remember when the Democrats used to nominate presidential candidates with proven political experience and executive credentials — and, boy, does that make me feel old this morning.
So listen to me now, GOP: If you can’t use this to defuse the Democrats and their demagoguery, you don’t deserve to be the opposition.
Get to work. You have a country to save.
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