All's Well That Ends Eventually

I’m pretty sure I haven’t apologized for not posting, at least not since Lileks introduced the Free Ice Cream Rule back in Naught-Two or Naught-Three. And I’m not about to do it now, not after Domestic Trauma Day.


Full details to follow, but the dog disappeared. And instead of making you wait for it, go on and rest assured that the story got a happy ending, all of twenty minutes ago.

But so you should know where the story goes, keep in mind that Xander is a Golden — dumb as a post, sweet as cotton candy, and, now that he’s back home, grounded like a Brady kid caught… diddling another Brady kid. That dog’s not coming off the chain until we’ve built a fence that makes Alcatraz look like something in the kiddie pool at Pebble Beach.


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