If it’s Saturday, that means hot & fresh PJM Political for your downloading or streaming enjoyment. On this week’s show:
• The VodkaPundit take on the cowardly Eric Holder, and the “Chicago Tea Party” outburst on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange by CNBC’s Rick Santelli.
• Ed Driscoll interviews Walter Olsen of Overlawyered.com about his article in the City Journal magazine on “The New Book Banning.”
• PJTV’s Allen Barton interviews Matt Welch, the editor of Reason Magazine, regarding newspapers’ growing requests for government subsidies.
• PJTV’s Joe Hicks talks with Radley Balko of Reason and The Agitator.com on civil liberties abuses by local police SWAT teams.
• Pajamas’ Glenn Reynolds and Michelle Malkin on recent protests in Seattle and Denver against the excesses of the Stimulus Bill, and Glenn’s call for giant porkbusting paper-mache puppets!
Produced, of course, by Ed Driscoll and hosted by everybody’s favorite blog-based imbiber.
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