What does a giant radio show look like? A lot like this week’s PJM Political. Check this out:
• Pajamas Media CEO Roger L. Simon and PJTV host Alan Barton discuss PJTV’s newest on-air talent, Joe Wurzelbacher, aka…Joe The Plumber, and the surprising amount of publicity—both pro and con–his upcoming trip to Israel has generated. Followed by…
• Roger’s interview with Joe himself.
• Steve Green on the latest industry to request a federal bailout…the porn industry!
• James Lileks on this week’s White House meeting of the past, present, and future occupants of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
• Roger Simon and fellow Oscar-nominated screenwriter/producer Lionel Chetwynd give two thumbs to Sean Penn’s Milk, on assassinated San Francisco politician Harvey Milk.
• PJM Political producer Ed Driscoll interviews Andrew Breitbart of the Drudge Report, the Huffington Post and his own Breitbart.com on his latest project, the group Hollywood blog, “Big Hollywood.”
• Glenn Reynolds and Michelle Malkin on the Israeli incursion into Gaza and Big Media’s response.
That’s a whole lot of radio in just one hour. Download or stream it right here.
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