The Los Angeles Times details how lawmakers use your grandkids’ money to bribe each other into voting for the bailout bill:
the bill now includes a provision to boost insurance coverage of mental illness, a priority of Rep. Jim Ramstad (R-Minn.), who voted against the bailout bill Monday. It also includes a tax benefit for bicycle commuting sought by Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.), also a no vote on Monday. And there’s an extension of the renewable energy tax credit, a priority of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.), who wants to make Arizona the “Silicon Valley of solar energy.”
These items are known in Washington as “sweeteners,” but that’s not how they taste to me.
UPDATE: In Colorado, Republican Senator Wayne Allard voted against the bailout, while Democrat Ken Salazar voted for it. You can see the complete roll call here.
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