You Haff My Gwatitude

According to TruthLaidBear’s rankings, VodkaPundit’s Thursday fundraiser brought in at least $600 in donations to Mennonite Disaster Services. Thanks, folks, and if you made a donation but haven’t logged it in a TLB, please do so.


I’d love to beat that conniving bitch Catalano.

UPDATE: Total is now $2,175. If I were the gloating type, I’d say, “In your face, Michele!”

But since I’m a kind, caring and compassionate sort of guy, I’ll just link to her Kids of Katrina post, instead.

Oh, and if you haven’t made a donation yet, hey, it’s still Thursday somewhere. Or something. Here’s the giant list-o-charities, just for your convenience.

UPDATE UPDATE: Wow. Over $4,000 in reported contributions now (Monday afternoon). Y’all rock.


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