If You Can't Win, Cheat II

This from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:

Sproul & Associates, a consulting firm based in Chandler, Ariz., hired to conduct the drive by the Republican National Committee, employed several hundred canvassers throughout the state to register new voters. Some workers yesterday said they were told to avoid registering Democrats or anyone who indicated support for Democratic nominee John F. Kerry.

“We were told that if they wanted to register Democrat, there was no way we were to register them to vote,” said Michele Tharp, of Meadville, who said she was sent out to canvass door-to-door and outside businesses in Meadville, Crawford County. “We were only to register Republicans.”

Tharp said volunteers were sent door-to-door to seek registrants but were instructed to first ask prospective new voters which candidate they planned to support.

“If they said Kerry, we were just supposed to say thank you and walk away,” Tharp said.


Anyone in Pennsylvania know anything about this?


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