Required Reading

One word: Krauthammer.

Well… maybe one small taste before you click:

Is Iraq part of the war on terrorism or a cynical distraction from it? “And everything [Bush] did in Iraq, he’s going to try to persuade people it has to do with terror, even though everybody here knows that it has nothing whatsoever to do with al Qaeda and everything to do with an agenda that they had preset, determined.”

That was April 2004. Of course, shortly after Sept. 11, Kerry was saying the opposite. “I think we clearly have to keep the pressure on terrorism globally,” he said in December 2001. “This doesn’t end with Afghanistan by any imagination. . . . Terrorism is a global menace. It’s a scourge. And it is absolutely vital that we continue [with], for instance, Saddam Hussein.”

So then Hussein was part of the war on terrorism — a “for instance” in fighting “terrorism globally.” Kerry temporarily returned to that position last week when he marked the 1,000th American death in Iraq by saying the troops have “given their lives on behalf of their country, on behalf of freedom, in the war on terror.”

How did Kerry get to this point of total meltdown?


Small taste, big bite — whatever. Go read the whole thing.


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