
An update to a post from yesterday:

Deputy Prime Minister Ehud Olmert presented Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s Gaza Strip withdrawl plan to US Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of State Colin Powell on Thursday, saying that “Israel will not remain in Gaza.”

Olmert announced his surprise visit Wednesday night during a speech at the Herzliya Inter-disciplinary center.

The sides agreed that the United States will keep a close watch over the progress made with the withdrawal plan and that US envoys will travel to Israel to oversee the implementation of the plan.


Predictably, Gaza settlers won’t go silently:

There’s word that residents of some settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip have rejected a proposal from Israel to dismantle their dwellings.

An official of a settlers’ council says settler leaders have turned down the plan, which had been presented by a top member of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s office yesterday.

Can Israel really just abandon settlers who end up on the wrong side of the Security Fence? We’ll see.


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