My Old School

Every parent in favor of tougher public school standards and/or education vouchers just got a reason to vote for absolutely anyone other than John Kerry:

Sen. John Kerry picked up the support of one of the largest teachers unions on Wednesday, a day after winning five state contests to firm up his position as the Democratic presidential front-runner.

Kerry, who returned to Boston for a one-day break after weeks of campaigning, has promised to continue his strategy of relentless travel and outreach to Democrats in every region in a steady march toward winning the party’s nomination to face President Bush this fall.

The Democratic front-runner won the endorsement of the 1.3 million-member American Federation of Teachers, which represents teachers from mostly urban schools as well as some public employees and health care workers.


The breathless language of the second graf had me a little shocked, until I saw the Reuters byline. Good to know where they stand.


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