Blogger Business

I’ll tell you, I was worried whether keeping this site going was worth the effort.

Due to some blogging burnout, I took off most of June and part of July — without warning or explaination. And if you’ll glance at the graph here, you can see what happened to traffic here at VodkaPundit:



Ignore the big spike in February, March and April. The lead-up to, and the actual Three Week War were going hot & heavy, and everybody’s hits were way up. Those months were an anomoly, and one I hope isn’t repeated. (Hawk that I am, I still prefer peace to war. Go figure.) You can also ignore the big dip during June-July, because I wasn’t posting. I also wasn’t worried about August, just because August is always a slow news month.

But then traffic trended down through September and October, too — and that was a cause for concern.

Then in November, when we were all busy with Turkey Day and gearing up for Christmas, you came back in greater numbers than we saw back in January — and January was the last “normal” month to compare to. December is looking good so far, too, despite the approaching holidays.

That’s pretty cool. Thanks. Guess I’ll have to stick around and see what next year brings.


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