Drudge has the story. Bill O’Reilly sucks on radio:
Just released ARBITRON radio ratings show FOX NEWS CHANNEL’s Bill O’Reilly in near-collapse — just one year after launching a nationally syndicated rival to Rush Limbaugh.
It’s been years since I listened to talk radio of any kind, but this news pleases me. I watched O’Reilly a bit during the 2000 election cycle, and found him, at first, quite entertaining. But watch him enough and you’ll realize he’s just a few years away from going Full Foaming Buchanan.
It’s still too early to be hopeful, but could this be the start of the meltdown?
UPDATE: James Joyner has the best line of the day with, “Let us hope. O’Reilly is even more annoying than Bob Novak, who can at least write.”
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