A Little After Lunch Rage

Some people desperately need some sense rubbed into their heads — preferably with low-grade sandpaper. Reading the new issue of Time over lunch today, I ran across this in a story about the WTC:


The towers were symbols of “the midcentury arrogance of architects,” says architect David Childs of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill. “What they did to lower Manhattan was an act of vandalism just as complete as Sept. 11.”

There you have it, kids: Moral equivalence between bad architecture and mass murder. It’s not so bad that Childs said it, but that his quote went unchallenged, or without so much as an editorial smirk. Somebody somewhere really ought to know better.

I dug up the link for you above, but I’d really rather you didn’t click on it. Those bastards at Time not only print this garbage, but their web-site features lots of annoying pop-up windows.


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